
Can you copy a Yale key?

Can you copy a Yale key?

2. Can Yale keys be copied? Yes, normal Yale keys can be cut and copied, if you have a Yale security key then proof of ownership will be required by the locksmith cutting the key.

Why does my key say do not duplicate?

“Do Not Duplicate” on a key does not guarantee the key cannot be copied. Essentially, it is a way of saying, “Please don’t make copies of this key without authorization”. There are only a couple of types of keys that are actually illegal for a locksmith or other key cutter to duplicate: One is the Post Office box key.

What do you call a key that Cannot be copied?

A restricted keyway lock is designed to prevent unauthorized duplication of keys. As long as the key is returned, you know there are no copies and your building remains secure.

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Can you cut Yale key without code?

Description: Yale superior compatible keys are for yale superior locks commonly found on uPVC doors. If you don’t have the card or code we may be able to decode your yale superior key for you. Please send us a clear photo by email. Advisory: Have these keys posted to a different address to where the lock is fitted.

Can I get a Yale key cut without code?

Most cylinder front door locks (Yale type) and mortice keys don’t have codes and need to be cut by taking into one of our shops. Q: How can you cut a key with a number only? A: For office desk drawers and filing cabinets the code is usually stamped on the lock but quite often will be on the key as well.

Is it illegal to copy a key that says do not duplicate?

If you see a key that says “Do Not Duplicate” on it, then you might wonder if it is actually illegal to copy that key. According to wikipedia, there isn’t a law in place that specifies that it is illegal to replicate a do-not-duplicate key.

What does Restricted mean on a key?

Each restricted key system is its own individual entity, no other locksmith in the world can cut restricted keys that are authorised and held by a registered locksmith. Restricted key systems use a complex system of blanks that can only be duplicated by the locksmith on requisition by the user.

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What are Yale Superior keys?

Unlike many cheaper cylinder locks the Yale Superior locks have keys that can only be re-cut with a special encrypted code which is printed on your Yale Superior Key code card.

How much does it cost to get a key cut?

Table: Total Cost to Make a Car Keys By key Type

Duplicate Key Cost Total Cost of Duplicate Key Cut & Programmed
Old, Standard, Mechanical Car Key $ 7 $ 12
VATS Car Key $ 20 $ 35
Transponder Car Key / Chip Key $ 10 $180
Laser Cut Car Key (High Security) $ 50 $250

Can you copy a broken key?

Yes, you can copy a broken key regardless of whether it is a patented key. You will be limited on where you can have this done, just because not every key maker will have access to the needed key blank. The safest bet is always a locksmith, as they will have the keys and equipment to cut any type of new keys.

Why are some keys harder to copy than others?

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In addition, these keys are harder to copy due to the type of equipment necessary and the patent-protected design. Any key classified as “restricted” is covered by U.S. Patent Laws, making it a key you will likely not find a locksmith willing to duplicate.

Is it OK to duplicate keys?

Do not duplicate keys. The “do not duplicate” keys require specific documentation to be copied by licensed locksmiths. In fact, it might be necessary to find the original creator of the key, because sometimes the keys are harder to duplicate due to lack of special instructions or specific equipment.

How do key manufacturers prevent key duplication?

As many keys are easily duplicated, key manufacturers have implemented certain key duplication restrictions into their products. They can do this by restricting the amount of blank keys issued. Through this, manufacturer’s create a controlled amount of blank keys available for sales and distribution.

Do locksmiths copy keys?

When it comes to key stamping, it is considered the most inexpensive option to safeguard the key. Licensed companies and legitimate locksmiths won’t copy those keys, but the fact is that nothing prevents them to do so (some might do it “off the grid”).