Tips and tricks

Can you cut down silver birch?

Can you cut down silver birch?

Yes, you can cut down branches that are over your property, and if it is a fruit tree you can keep any fruit that drops on your property.

Is it illegal to cut down silver birch UK?

Cutting down, uprooting or wilfully destroying a tree protected by a Tree Preservation Order without permission is an offence.

How do I get rid of silver birch trees?

Water the tree’s trunk frequently to keep it damp. This will help to oxidize the copper and will also speed the rotting process of the trunk. You can kill a birch tree slowly by simply driving a large copper nail into the trunk of the tree. A copper nail will poison the tree slowly as it oxidizes.

Do silver birches have deep roots?

Birches are shallow rooted and take an awful lot of water from the surrounding soil.

Are birch trees hard to remove?

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A birch is a tree that grows in clumps rather than as one single tree. A birch stand can quickly outgrow the area it was planted in. A mature birch stand may reach up to 40 feet tall, but the clump will also spread as it grows. When this occurs, you may be forced to remove it from your property.

Are birch trees easy to cut down?

No particular blade is necessary due to the softness of the birch wood. Run the chainsaw at moderate speed. Make a horizontal cut into the trunk of the tree on the side where you wish the tree to fall. This notch should be aimed in the direction you wish the tree to fall.

Can you cut trees down on your own land?

The reality is you are permitted to prune or cut down any tree on your land, regardless of whether it is healthy or not, if it is not subject to a Tree Preservation Order or located with a conservation area.

Do birch trees cause subsidence?

This can be more severe when the silver birch is growing in clay soil. In drier months, the tree will absorb all of the water from the soil which causes shrinkage. This shrinkage can adversely affect the foundations causing subsidence.

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How do I get rid of birch tree roots?

Shovel the sod and soil away from the sides of the surface roots and underneath them. Don’t damage the outside coating of the exposed root. Use a clean, sharp saw and axe to cut and chop through the roots. While cutting through the root don’t bend or twist the part of the root that will remain.

Do silver birch tree roots cause problems?

Do Silver Birch Tree Roots Cause Problems? Yes! Silver birch trees grow vigorously and have the potential for damaging structures in their vicinity – a common issue is with residential foundations. This can be more severe when the silver birch is growing in clay soil.

Can you cut birch tree roots?

Cutting a birch tree’s roots weakens it, leaves it prone to infection and, if done improperly, can put it off balance enough to cause it to topple over. If absolutely necessary, you may cut one root but no more. Birch trees are tall beauties whose unique bark make them popular ornamental landscape trees.

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Where can I get a quote for silver birch tree pruning?

For a no-obligation quotation on silver birch tree pruning, give us a call on 01268 642814 or get in touch here. Polite, professional and tidy.

Are silver birches protected by law?

Now-having said that, its possible in some municipalities that individual Silver Birches may be protected due to local arbor code which dictates the trees and the size of trees that may be cut without permit.

Why is my silver birch tree dying?

It may be that your silver birch tree has outgrown the space it occupies, or has started to block light. Sometimes the long cascading branches grow too close to the ground which makes landscaping difficult.

Do birch trees live for a long time?

Unfortunately, they aren’t known for their long lifespan. You can improve their chances by pruning birch trees properly, and taking advantage of the best time to prune birch trees. There are several reasons for cutting back birch trees: Remove dead, diseased and injured branches for the health of the tree.