
Can you delete a comment you made on a Facebook post?

Can you delete a comment you made on a Facebook post?

Find the comment you want to delete and press down over the comment, holding your finger there until a dialog box pops up. Once the box appears, tap Delete and your comment will be permanently erased. Or if you simply wish to edit, you can select edit from here as well.

Does deleting a Facebook comment also delete the replies?

Remember that if you delete a comment that a lot of people have responded to, it’ll also delete all of those replies. If you don’t want to remove the replies from Facebook, you might want to consider editing your comment rather than deleting it.

What happens when I delete a comment on Facebook?

Deleting the Facebook comment will erase it; no one will be able to see it. The user will know that the negative comment has been deleted if they go to view it again, but they won’t be notified of its deletion. Banning users will keep that particular user from commenting on any of your posts ever again.

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What happen when you delete a comment on Facebook?

Can you delete Facebook Live Comments?

Users can delete an update post or comment from the Live Feed page. This option is only available if you have permission to delete Connect posts, and you can only delete comments or posts that have been made by users within your permission constraints.

What happens when you delete a comment on Facebook?

How can I recover a deleted comment on Facebook?

Facebook Archive Deleted Posts. Your deleted posts and associated comments are all archived out of sight within the Facebook ecosystem.

  • Deleted Messages in Messenger. Retrieving deleted messages is also possible using the same archives system.
  • Commenting Best Practices.
  • What does hiding a comment on Facebook actually do?

    Hide the post or comment. To hide a comment,hover over the top-right hand “x” and click “Hide.” Now the post can only be seen by the person who

  • Delete the post or comment. Deleting a post or comment removes the content permanently,though there is an option to bring comments back.
  • Report the post or comment.
  • Respond to the post or comment.
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    Can I turn off comments on Facebook?

    The Facebook privacy settings do not allow you to disable comments on a specific photo or album. You can exclude certain friends from commenting on (all) posts, which includes photos, but it will also keep them from commenting on status updates and other wall posts.

    Can someone else delete your post on Facebook?

    To delete a post by someone on your wall, its the same set of steps. However, do remember that the notifications which have been sent for this post do not get deleted. If you are not the owner of the post, you cannot delete the post from facebook. You can, however, block it from appearing on your wall.