Tips and tricks

Can you eat surstromming raw?

Can you eat surströmming raw?

It’s still basically raw fish that’s been fermented with just enough salt to prevent rot. So it was an opportunity I was dreading a little more than looking forward to! But as you can see in our video, if prepared properly, this stinky Swedish delicacy can actually be enjoyed!

Why is Surströmming so bad?

The surströmming has a very noxious, foul and putrid smell. It is the brine where it is fermented. The trick is to open the tin under water (such as in a water-filled bucket), so that the noxious gasses will dilute with water.

Why would you eat that surströmming?

For most Swedes who eat surströmming the reason is simple: it is because they like a surströmmingsskiva (a fermented herring party). Swedes love an excuse for a party and opening a can of rotting fish can provide an excuse. Really.

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How to eat surströmming?

To start with, have everything prepared such as freshly boiled potatoes, butter, bread, chopped onion, cold beverages and so on, before opening the can, as the initial smell of surströmming have a tendency to take over all other fragrances in the room. Check out this enthusiastic swede below for a more detailed explanation how to eat surströmming.

What does surstromming smell like?

A Japanese study has shown that the smell of a newly opened can of surströmming is the most putrid smell of food in the world, beating similar fermented fish dishes such as the Korean Hongeohoe or Japanese Kusaya.” What’s it like to eat surstromming? Salty and yeasty. Reminds me a bit of marmite which is popular in Australia and the UK.

What is the origin of surströmming?

The two accounts put the origin of surströmming to somewhere around the 15th century. Baltic herring are caught before they spawn between May and early July. The fat content of Baltic herring at this time is relatively low.