Tips and tricks

How many SQL queries per page is normal?

How many SQL queries per page is normal?

If your database service only allows you to make simple SQL queries, less than 20 queries would be fine for a small, common webpage, but if it’s the webpage for your university or a decision taking support application, 60 may not be enough.

How many queries can MySQL handle at once?

MySQL :: Wikipedia’s MySQL databases handle over 25,000 SQL queries per second.

How many transactions can MySQL handle per second?

The maximum theoretical throughput of MySQL is equivalent to the maximum number of fsync(2) per second. We know that fsync(2) takes 1 ms from earlier, which means we would naively expect that MySQL would be able to perform in the neighbourhood of: 1s / 1ms/fsync = 1000 fsyncs/s = 1000 transactions/s . Excellent.

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How long should a MySQL query take?

A query can take up to one hour if it crunches extremely large amount of data once every 6 months in a system where only it is running. It won’t be a problem. Another query can take 100ms only but it’s on a web server and 1000 persons are connecting simultaneously!

What is a typical number of database queries for generating a WordPress page?

WordPress uses a lot of plugins and is very query heavy but the in spite of that, the front page uses 59 queries to generate itself.

How many queries can SQL handle?

By default, SQL Server allows a maximum of 32767 concurrent connections which is the maximum number of users that can simultaneously log in to the SQL server instance.

How many queries can MariaDB handle?

MariaDB 10.1 can do 1 million queries per second – Latest MariaDB releases 10.7.

How many queries can SQL server handle?

What is a good query time?

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Assuming each query is returns only a few rows from a couple of tables you should be aiming for execution times nearer to 10 milliseconds that 100ms each.

What is considered slow query?

The slow query log consists of SQL statements that take more than long_query_time seconds to execute and require at least min_examined_row_limit rows to be examined. The slow query log can be used to find queries that take a long time to execute and are therefore candidates for optimization.

How do I optimize SQL queries in WordPress?

How to Speed Up WordPress Database Queries

  1. Use a Good Host That Ideally Has Memcached or Redis Caching.
  2. Use Object Caching.
  3. Use the Highest Version of PHP the Site Supports.
  4. Reduce the Load by Using Page Caching.
  5. Reduce the Load by Using Cloudflare CDN.

How do I optimize WordPress for MySQL?

Consider the following actions:

  1. Upgrade from shared hosting to VPS.
  2. Check that your server uses SSD.
  3. Check that your MySQL tables run through the InnoDB storage engine.
  4. Increase the RAM so you have more than enough resources for MySQL processing.
  5. Distribute your website across various servers with a load balancer.
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How many database queries per page is enough?

If your database service only allows you to make simple SQL queries, less than 20 queries would be fine for a small, common webpage, but if it’s the webpage for your university or a decision taking support application, 60 may not be enough.

How many small queries are better than large ones?

If a large query with multiple joins and sub queries takes 20 secs to execute, then (I think) 20 small queries which take .20 secs in all are much better. I find manage smaller queries much easier, well mainly because I cache every query, and I can reuse the data from that individual query again and again and again…..

Does the number of queries matter more than the time taken?

But to-the-point answer to this question would be that NUMBER OF QUERIES MATTERS LESS THAN TOTAL TIME TAKEN BY THE QUERIES. If a large query with multiple joins and sub queries takes 20 secs to execute, then (I think) 20 small queries which take .20 secs in all are much better.