Can you get the same spot pierced twice?

Can you get the same spot pierced twice?

Most reputable piercers won’t re-pierce an infected spot. Once that’s healed, you can get pierced again at any time. The scar tissue shouldn’t be too difficult if they were just standard-gauge piercings in the lobe or cartilage.

Can you’re pierce your ears in a different spot?

Chances are, the piercing professional will advise you to pierce a different spot where there’s no scar tissue, especially if there’s quite a bit of it. The same goes if you have or had a keloid in the past, This is because there’s a higher chance that you’ll grow another in your new piercing.

When can you re pierce your ear after earlobe repair?

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Yes, You Can Wear Earrings Again Just because you have had earlobe repair, the procedure does not prevent you from having your earlobes re-pierced. In the majority of cases, patients are advised to wait until about six weeks after having this procedure done to re-pierce their ears.

Can you’re pierce a healed piercing?

Re-piercing procedure: Before any re-piercing procedure, you must make sure that the area is fully healed and able to be re-pierced. In most cases, this means waiting at least three months. However, it does depend on the area. Also, it is often just the entry and exit points which have healed over.

Does a piercing heal faster the second time?

Healing. If you’re re-pierced in the same spot (using the original inner channel), then you may find you heal a little faster than before due to the fact that the majority of healing had been done the first time around and the amount of trauma to the area is minimal.

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Can you re-pierce your ears in the same spot?

Maybe, but only a piercing professional can tell you for sure. Book a consultation with a piercing professional who can examine your former earring hole (s) and decide if you can re-pierce the same spot without opening yourself up to complications.

How much does it hurt to get your ears pierced?

What may feel like a 10 on the pain scale to one person may feel like a two to someone else. Plus, if you are getting the piercings at the same time, it’s common for the second piercing to hurt a bit more than the first, as your body is still attempting to recover.

Can I get my piercing redone in the same spot?

The thought of getting it redone probably crosses your mind. BUT- many of you know that an old healed piercing can still have scar tissue, so you may be wondering if it is even possible to get your piercing again in the same spot. The answer is complicated. You need to have your professional piercer examine the place where you want to be repierced.

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How long should you wear earrings after 2 piercings?

Wait about three weeks after the first piercing. Put Neosporin on the infected ear, or both, if you suspect infection. Also, after this second piercing, leave the earrings in until the ears get used to it.