
Can you learn from Blinkist?

Can you learn from Blinkist?

Blinkist is an educational app that condenses the key ideas of popular nonfiction books and podcasts into short 15-minute audio clips or reading summaries, so you can learn more in less time.

Is Blinkist better than books?

In summary, Blinkist is great if you are looking for a quick way to get a broad-strokes overview of a book (if, say, you forgot to read it before your next book club meeting), but as far as its boast of helping you read more books faster, it falls quite short.

Does Headway have full books?

The Headway team has already picked the world’s best nonfiction books that take only 15 minutes to read. Yes, that’s correct! All titles have been remastered into summaries with key insights and tips. You can read a summary first and decide whether you would like to read the full version or not.

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What are the advantages of using Blinkist?

Here are the advantages of using Blinkist: 1. Saves Time on Poor Books Let’s be frank, not all books are worth your time. Some might even be great books, but they don’t fit your goals, personality, or lifestyle. And some might be great authors or great people, but they’re just putting out content to monetize their name-brand. 2.

How does Blinkist make book summaries?

So there is no automation going on here, and Blinkist’s summaries are the result of Blinkist’s employees doing the hard work of checking out the latest new books and book recommendations, reading them and making bullet points of the main points, and then rewriting the book so that it’s condensed into a 15-minute-long version.

What does Blinkis mean?

What is Blinkist? Blinkist is a book summary service for busy people. Many of us want to read a lot of books — there are those who claim to read 1 book a week, or even 1 book a day — but we don’t have time. Moreover, it can be frustrating that a lot of books can tend to drag on and over-explain crucial points.

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What is Blink and why should you use it?

You often just want to be able to absorb the main points and lessons of a book without spending hours, days and perhaps weeks reading it on and off. That’s where Blink comes in: with Blink, you get roughly 15-minute-long text and audio summaries of a wide variety of books.