Can you legally own a ferret in California?

Can you legally own a ferret in California?

California is one of the few states that prohibit pet ownership of ferrets. As a result, ferrets cannot be legally imported, transported or possessed in California except by a permit issued for a specific, legal purpose — such as medical research or transporting rescued ferrets out of state.

How much does a ferret cost in California?

The purchase price of a ferret can vary widely, ranging from $65 to more than $250. But the cost of buying the animal is only part of your initial cost. In addition to the purchase price, you can expect to pay another $150 to $350 for vaccinations (including rabies), veterinary examinations, and basic supplies.

Are Petco ferrets fixed?

Petco ferrets are neutered and as social animals, they enjoy each other’s company. Their name comes from the Latin word “furonem” which means thief; no doubt due to their mischievous nature.

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Is it legal to own a ferret in California?

Ferrets are not wild animals, but they are treated as threat to other wildlife in California. In other states like South Carolina, though it is legal to own ferrets, it is illegal to sell them. Ferrets are ticketed in Minneapolis and New York, though they are not considered illegal over there.

Why are ferrets illegal in California?

Ferrets are illegal in California because the California Department of Fish and Game claims that if ferrets are let out into the wild, they would mate, multiply, become feral and could threaten native wildlife.

Where can you buy a pet ferret?

As of August 2014, it is possible to purchase ferrets online from a variety of local breeders and pet stores throughout the country, including ferret.com and marshallferrets.com.

What is the best litter for a ferret?

You can also use granulated paper litter or wood pellets. It is probably the only safe cat litter for ferrets. Yesterday’s News is quite popular with ferret owners due to the bigger sized pieces that ferrets cannot throw around. Certain varieties of recycled paper litter are also good for ferrets.