Can you make money from stripping wires?

Can you make money from stripping wires?

You can make money with scrap metal but you will need large scale equipment to process it. You will also require 100’s of tons of scrap steel to make any serious money.

How much is scrap copper wire worth?

Scrap Metal Prices Per Pound:

Metal Price, $ / lb.
Bare Bright Copper Wire $3.80-$4.00/lb Request mine
#1 Copper Tubing / Bus Bar $3.70-$3.90/lb Request mine

How much copper wire does it take to make a pound?

For example, 50.59 feet of 12-gauge wire weighs one pound, and 80.44 feet of 14-gauge wire weighs one pound of bright #1 copper after it is stripped.

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How much do you get for scrapping a wire?

Updated 12/14/2021

Metal Average Price Date Updated
Communications Wire $1.08/lb Updated 12/14/2021
Composition Scrap $2.25/lb Updated 12/14/2021
Computer Wire $0.55/lb Updated 12/14/2021
Copper Scrap $3.33/lb Updated 12/14/2021

How much is copper wire worth per pound?


Copper Updated: May 26, 2021 @ 1:00 pm
House Wire $1.09 / LB
Bare Bright $3.65 / LB
#1 Copper $3.62 / LB
#2 Copper $3.31 / LB

Is it worth stripping wire for scrap?

So is stripping copper wire worth it? Yes, absolutely if you have a wire stripper. If not, then sometimes, but most likely only if you have wires you’re sure have a high copper recovery rate.

Can you make money stripping copper wire?

If you chose to strip it, you will end up with 90 pounds of copper don’t forget 10 pounds in plastic waste and in today’s market you will get $1.90 per pound for stripped copper wire so your 90 pounds will net you $171.00 difference of $21.00 between stripping it or selling the way it is, just want to mention one thing …

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Is it worth it to strip copper wire for scrap?

Scrap yards will never encourage you to strip your copper wire when you bring it in. That’s because they don’t have to pay you as much for the copper wire when it’s not stripped! Get the most out of your copper wire by taking the extra time and stripping it!

Do you get more money if you strip copper wire?

What kind of copper wire is worth stripping?

Bare Bright Copper aka Millberry: The most valuable type of scrap copper wire is bare bright copper. This uncoated and unalloyed copper is stripped of insulation, paint, and other impurities, making it easy to reuse or recycle. As such, it is usually the first thing that scrap buyers look for.

Is stripping scrap wire worth it?

How do I recycle copper wire?

Stripping Copper Wires. In order to sell copper scrap,most dealers need you to strip the wire off any insulation.

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  • Wire Cutters. The best and most used method for stripping a copper wire is using a copper wire stripper.
  • Utility Knife. Another copper wire stripping method involves using a utility knife.
  • Sharp Blade.
  • Sledgehammer.
  • What is burnt copper wire?

    Copper can be found in electrical wires, usually Burnt Copper is wire that has been burned to remove the insulation and cover from the wireA container can be delivered to your construction site, demolition job, or rip out site.

    Is copper recycled?

    Copper and copper alloys have been recycled for hundreds of years. Since the ancient times, man have learned that if newly mined copper ore was not available, copper objects could be melted and cast into new objects. During wartime, weapons were made from recycled decorative and household goods.

    What is scrap copper?

    Scrap Copper. Copper is one of the most well known non-ferrous metals on earth. Renowned for its beauty and valued for its usefulness in many of the items we use today, copper is one of the single most sought after metals in the world.