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Can you relocate a wild box turtle?

Can you relocate a wild box turtle?

DO NOT RELOCATE the turtle. Box turtles have a homing instinct and they will try to get back to the area they came from. If you move it far from it’s home you will cause it to likely get killed trying to get back to it’s home, so leave it in the area found, do not bring it to a nicer park.

Why is it a bad idea to relocate a wild turtle?

In some cases, the direction the turtle is headed may seem like a bad idea to you, but turtles are quite stubborn and are usually trying to get somewhere specific, so redirecting the turtle, or worse yet, moving it to a new location, can result in the turtle either crossing the road again or crossing many more roads in …

Is it bad to relocate turtles?

Don’t relocate turtles to new areas, even if you think their current location is odd (unless it is obviously hazardous, such as a busy parking lot). Moving them to an unfamiliar location can subject them to foreign diseases and parasites that they lack a natural immunity to, so that should be avoided.

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Will turtles die if you relocate them?

Many box turtles get moved by well-meaning people who want to help them find a better place to live than a suburban lawn near a heavily trafficked road. The problem is that turtles die when this happens. One study found that over 60\% of box turtles die in their first year after being removed from their home range.

Do turtles get stressed when moved?

Occasionally you may need to transport a pet red-eared slider turtle by vehicle, e.g. if you are moving. This can be a very stressful time with turtles, but with some planning and preparation, the move can go quite smoothly.

How far can you move a box turtle?

Box turtles can roam about 50 yards (46 m), or even more, in one day. However, they don’t tend to roam from home. They generally spend their whole lives within approximately 250 yards (229 m) of the nests where they were born.

What do you do if you find a box turtle in your yard?

NEVER DISTURB, PICK UP , OR MOVE A BOX TURTLE UNLESS IT HAS A VISIBLE INJURY OR IS IN IMMINENT DANGER. If you find a turtle in the road, move it to the other side in the direction it was going. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RELOCATE IT. Turtles have small home territories and should be left where they are found.

How do you rehome a turtle?

The alternatives to keeping your turtle are:

  1. Post your sliders for adoption on our Facebook page, or place a newspaper or craigslist ad.
  2. Give it to a friend/family member.
  3. Put flyers up at your local vets/pet stores.
  4. Humane euthanasia (done by a vet, not at home.)
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Where can I move a turtle?

Always move a turtle in the same direction it was traveling when you saw it. Place the turtle at least 30 feet from the road (not on the roadside), so if startled by the experience, the turtle does not get disoriented and accidentally run back into the roadway, or freeze and get run over.

Do turtles have feelings and emotions?

Like most living things tortoises and turtles will have a wide range of emotions that can be hard to define. Some of these feelings will be fear, joy, and anger. That’s pretty obvious the tort is scared, even to humans who don’t hide in a shell. Turtles will also pull back into their shell if scared or threatened.

Where is the best place to release a box turtle?

Instead of releasing pets into the wild, it’s better to drop them off at a local animal shelter or veterinarian. Box turtles like warm weather, but if it gets too hot, they will seek some protection from the sun. In the heat of the day, they will hide under logs or leaves or take a swim in a pond.

Can I take my box turtle back to the wild?

We highly recommend that you should never remove a box turtle from their original home unless you have a good reason. Make sure that if you’re going to return them to the wild, you place them back in the same spot where you got them. If you want to own a box turtle and keep them as pets, make sure to get one that was already bred in captivity.

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Can you keep box turtles as pets in Virginia?

Generations of Virginians have taken box turtles from forests and yards to keep as pets. As of today, that’s illegal. Experts say the docile, colorful turtles are in decline, and new state regulations taking effect ban turning them into pets.

Why are box turtles in decline?

Also called woodland box turtles or eastern box turtles, they can close their shells into a tight “box” when frightened. Kleopfer and other experts say the turtles are in decline because cars are killing them on roads, development is destroying their wild homes and poachers and average people are plucking them from the wild to turn them into pets.

How to be a responsible owner of a box turtle?

Keep in mind that you owe it to your pet turtle to be responsible owners so don’t just try to wing it, go the extra mile. Beyond that, you can help your pet through following basic common courtesy like not littering when you’re out in the wild. Box turtle species tend to thrive if you just leave them be.