Tips and tricks

Can you say no to getting weighed at the doctor?

Can you say no to getting weighed at the doctor?

You can say something like, “If weighing me is medically necessary in order to inform care, I’d prefer not to see the number and request that this number not be communicated to me in any way over the course of my visit, including on my end of appointment paperwork.”

Why do doctors take your weight?

Tracking your height and weight helps your doctor assess your body mass index (BMI). This is an estimate of your total body fat, and can tell your doctor if you’re at a heightened risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, gallstones, type 2 diabetes and other ailments.

Why do they weigh you in hospital?

An accurate assessment can monitor the extent of loss in organ function, judge the effectiveness of medications and enable calculations of medical dosages.

Are scales at the doctors office accurate?

It’s not a foregone conclusion that the scale at your doctor’s office is more accurate than your home scale. “Weighing yourself, without clothing, in the morning before you’ve eaten is likely to be more accurate than with clothes on at various times of day at the doctor’s office,” says Dr.

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What factors should be consistent when you weigh a patient?

Box 1. Reasons for measuring body weight

  • Assess and monitor fluid and nutrition status as part of a nutrition screening tool.
  • Calculate drug doses.
  • Calculate nutrition and fluid support if required.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of nutritional support.
  • Help select pressure-relieving equipment that is appropriate for the patient.

When should you weigh a patient?

Most long-term care facilities weigh new patients weekly for 4 weeks and monthly thereafter if the patient’s weight is stable. If weight loss or gain is noted from month to month, the patient should be reweighed as soon as possible, preferably the same day or the next day.

What are the appropriate nursing actions when measuring patient’s weight?

(1) Weigh the patient before breakfast, at the same time each day. (2) Use the same scale each time. (3) Ensure that the scale is properly balanced. (4) Weigh the patient in the same amount of clothing each day (i.e., hospital gown or pajamas).

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Can a doctor’s scale be wrong?

Simple answer, the Doctors scales are far more accurate than those you use at home, also the Doctors scales will be taken away and recalibrated for accuracy each year.

How many pounds do you take off for clothes?

Men can lop off nearly 2.5 lbs to account for their clothing while women can only subtract around 2. And this holds true, unfortunately, no matter what the weather outside.

What is the fear of scales called?

I have scale anxiety. It’s formally called gravitophobia, the fear of stepping on the scale.

Do I need to be weighed every time I go to the Doctor?

And you always have the right to informed refusal of a test or medical procedure. So no, you do NOT need to be weighed every time you go to the doctor. It is a test or procedure that you can refuse. If you do plan to refuse weigh-ins, use strong, clear language when declining; don’t be unpleasant, just polite and firm.

Why is it so hard to refuse to get weighed at doctors’ offices?

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Part of the problem is that many busy doctors’ offices put the scale in a well-trafficked hallway or a common room, where other patients can witness the weigh-in. The other part of the problem is that many individuals are not aware that they have a right to refuse to be weighed, which can dramatically ease their anxiety.

Do you have a right to refuse being weighed?

You have a right to refuse to be weighed. This surprises people. And to some, it feels like a bold stance to take. But it is your right. And we believe it is an act of radical self-care. By stating your needs around the weighing process you are taking a very real and potentially vulnerable step towards true self-care.

Do I have the right to refuse a medical test?

As a patient, you have the RIGHT TO DECLINE ANY MEDICAL TEST OR PROCEDURE at any time. It’s your body, and you have the final say. We don’t think of weighing as a medical test, but it is a form of one. And you always have the right to informed refusal of a test or medical procedure.