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Can you see how smart someone is by their eyes?

Can you see how smart someone is by their eyes?

It has been said that “the eyes are the window to the soul,” but new research suggests that they may be a window to the brain as well. The larger the pupils, the higher the intelligence, as measured by tests of reasoning, attention and memory. …

How can you tell if someone is bright?

So here are a few signs of an intelligent person, according to experts.

  1. You’re Empathetic & Compassionate.
  2. You’re Curious About The World.
  3. You’re Observant.
  4. You Have Self-Control.
  5. You Have A Good Working Memory.
  6. You Recognize Your Limits.
  7. You Like To Go With The Flow.
  8. You’re Passionate About Things That Really Interest You.

Can you identify a smart person just by looking at them?

This pair of photos is for all the smart alecks who read the last two sections and still think they can identify smart people just by looking at them. On the right is Stanford professor Andrew Ng, the former chief scientist of Baidu and one of the world’s leading researchers in artificial intelligence.

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How can you tell if someone is intelligent or not?

Intelligent people normally get excited when you ask them why or how, whereas mimics normally get frustrated. Look at whom they hang around with. They can argue the other side of an idea better than the people who disagree with them. They know how to focus and typically create large chunks of time.

What does it mean to be a smart person?

It includes the element of humility, which is characteristic of smart people. Most smart people exhibit an air of humility, and the ones that don’t aren’t the smart people you want to associate with, anyways. Mr. Lim includes two excellent quotes that typify a smart person’s attitude towards their own and others intelligence:

Are some people smarter than others?

Some people are smarter than others. And, sometimes, we need to be able to tell if a person’s smart. Maybe we’re a business owner and need to hire a sharp mind. Perhaps we’re looking for the best and brightest doctor to keep us healthy. Or maybe a brilliant tutor to help our child sharpen their skills.