
Can you sell fan fiction on Amazon?

Can you sell fan fiction on Amazon?

Authors will receive 35\% of net sales for books of 10,000 words or more, and 20\% for short stories between 5,000 and 10,000 words. …

Where can I publish my fan fiction?

Top Fanfiction Websites

  • Archive Of Our Own (AO3) This is my fanfiction site of choice.
  • Commaful. I was initially skeptical of this little site, but after spending some time on it, I now post regularly and interact regularly as one of my favorite fanfic sites.
  • Fanfiction.net.
  • Tumblr.
  • Wattpad.
  • Quotev.
  • Kindle Worlds.
  • deviantArt.

Can fanfic be sold?

Technically, unless one is commissioned to write a TV tie-in or movie tie-in, which counts as official fan fiction, you can’t legally sell your fan fiction. Or, you do what the author of 50 Shades did and change the names and situation so that it isn’t fan fiction any more.

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What is the biggest fanfiction site?

Fanfiction.net is the largest for fanfiction, Wattpad is the easiest website to write on, and Quotev has extra thing you can do (like make quizzes) that you can’t do on Wattpad or Fanfiction.

How to publish fan fiction professionally?

Publishing fan fiction professionally. As described above this is tricky, but there are two easy paths available. One is Amazon’s ‘Kindle Worlds’. This service allows fan fiction to be professionally published so long as it is from one of the ‘worlds’ which has volunteered to be part of the service.

Fan fiction, in which aficionados of existing books and movies write characters into new storylines, has long been popular fodder on Internet forums — but stories based on copyrighted works are essentially impossible to sell. Amazon wants to change that with its new “Kindle Worlds” program.

What is the legal situation for fan fiction writers?

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This is a detailed legal situation, however for fan fiction writers, the chief concern is with derivative works. Copyright gives the author the sole right to create derivative works, basically works which use protected elements of the source material.

Can I submit my book to Amazon’s Kindle Worlds?

Fan fiction writers can submit their books to Amazon’s Kindle Worlds beginning in June. So far, Amazon has licensed three popular series.