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Can you sue a coworker for threatening you?

Can you sue a coworker for threatening you?

Yes. California permits victims of an assault to sue the person who assaulted them.

How do you deal with threats at work?

If a subordinate threatens you, take action to rectify the situation and protect yourself and other workers from possible violence and future threats.

  1. Document The Threat. Document all events that preceded the threat.
  2. Assess The Threat.
  3. Counsel The Employee.
  4. Issue Disciplinary Action.
  5. Keep The Workplace Safe.

What to do if a coworker is threatening you at work?

You or other coworkers feel unsafe around this person. You are being blackmailed or threatened in some way by another coworker. You’ve witnessed disturbing, grotesque, or violent behavior by a coworker. It is important that employees know how to report episodes of workplace violence or hostility to hopefully stop them before they escalate.

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Is it a threat to threaten someone in the workplace?

If you are insulted, harassed, or stereotyped in the workplace, you might feel threatened, but chances are you aren’t facing a physical threat. Comments can cross a line and/or violate the law, but they might not actually be threats.

When to talk to your boss about a hostile coworker?

If you are confronted in any way by a hostile or aggressive coworker, or a person makes you feel frightened or afraid, you need to talk to your boss immediately. Foul language or taunts, verbally abusive emails or exchanges, or even physical confrontations need to be reported right away.

What to do when a coworker makes you feel afraid?

Here are some tips to help determine who to go to at what point when a coworker makes you feel afraid. If you are confronted in any way by a hostile or aggressive coworker, or a person makes you feel frightened or afraid, you need to talk to your boss immediately.