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Can you take pen in GATE exam?

Can you take pen in GATE exam?

You might end up in some exam center where there is no shop near by. Most of you might be thinking that you have to mark the GATE OMR sheet using a ball pen, so you don’t need to keep these things. You should be able to sit comfortably in the exam otherwise your mind will be distracted.

Is GATE exam pen and paper?

The examination is not pen-and-paper based, but is online in the Online Computer Based Test (CBT) model where questions will be shown in no particular order on the monitor of the computer.

What are the things allowed in GATE exam?

GATE Exam Guidelines | Documents to Carry 3- For Indian Candidates, the following documents can be accepted- Passport, PAN Card, Voter ID, Aadhar Card, College ID, Employee ID or Driving License. 4- International candidates are supposed to carry documents like Passport/ Government issued ID/ College ID/ Employee ID.

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Can we go to washroom during GATE exam?

Water and toilet facilities are available in the examination center. Can I use a physical calculator during the examination? NO. During the online GATE 2020 examination, all candidates will be provided with a virtual scientific calculator which has to be used to answer the questions.

Is there a dress code for gate?

Answer: IIT Bombay has not specified a dress code for GATE 2021. However, students are advised to wear light clothes without any metallic items. Do not wear cap, muffler, jewellery or ornaments, watches, goggles, rings, bracelets, or any of such items. Do not carry a wallet or pouch.

Is sanitizer compulsory in GATE exam?

3. Candidates will be required to sanitize hands by washing with soap and with Hand Sanitizer before entry in centre. Hand sanitizer will be available at various locations in the centre. 4.

Can we carry a pen drive in the GATE exam?

In GATE exam, center provides you with a writing pad to do rough work or calculations and you have to return it before leaving the center. Also in GATE you are not allowed to carry any electronic devices including pen drives, sd cards , calculators and even watch. 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank.

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Can I carry a pen to the exam centre?

You are not allowed to carry your pen to the exam centre rather you will be provided with the pen itself at the centre. They will provide you with ball pen which is usually black, as in OMR sheet black is more visible. Also you are not allowed to carry any other stationary item.

What should I bring to the GATE exam?

Put your admit card, original Photo Id- the one you mentioned in your GATE application form as these two are mandatory to be allowed into the exam hall. DON’T carry calculators or any electronic gadgets. You will be not be allowed to take them inside. Since it is an online exam, there is no need for any exam pad either.

Can I carry a pen in the NEET exam?

You are not allowed to carry pen so you don’t need to worry. A black pen is provided in the examination centre itself. You need to carry only the following documents along with you to your neet examination centre. * Your passport size photograph to be pasted on the attendence sheet