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Can you use the same lenses on different frames?

Can you use the same lenses on different frames?

You can put old lenses in new frames in most cases, as long as the new frames are the same ones you used to have. An eye care professional will just need to make sure your prescription doesn’t restrict the type of eyewear you use so that you don’t have issues down the line.

Is it bad to switch between different glasses?

Is it okay to go back and forth between the two? Answer: If you have two pairs of glasses — one which is older and one which is newer, and you go back and forth, it may be because they’re really meant for two different tasks. And if one works for one task and the other for the other task, you’re not harming your eyes.

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Can you wear different glasses?

However if you were to use ones with a big difference then you will likely to be putting too much strain on your eyes. It’s not worth giving yourself eye strain by wearing the wrong glasses. Get yourself a new pair. It won;t harm your eyes or sight, but it can cause eyestrain and headaches.

Do you really need more than one pair of reading glasses?

As you age, the power you need likely will increase. Wang notes that some people require one lens power for general up-close reading and another power for extended reading like computer use — meaning that just one pair of reading glasses might not do the trick.

How often should I get a new pair of glasses?

You should get a new pair if your prescription has changed. To keep seeing clearly, see your optician annually or every two years. Your doctor can tell you what schedule is right for you. I can see fine to read or drive, but I’m having trouble with certain tasks, especially at work.

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What kind of glasses do computer workers wear?

Computer glasses may have single vision lenses, lined trifocal lenses, line-free “office” progressive lenses or some other design of occupational lenses to suit your needs. Many people who try computer glasses find they are very comforting for office work and result in far less eye fatigue throughout the day.

What lens power do over-the-counter reading glasses have?

The Vision Council, a trade group, says the lens power of over-the-counter reading glasses typically ranges from +1 to +4. Over-the-counter reading glasses are an acceptable option for people who have good distance vision (farsightedness), says Dr. Ming Wang of Wang Vision 3D Cataract & LASIK Center in Nashville.