
Can your boss just take you off the schedule?

Can your boss just take you off the schedule?

Yes, in some cases. Generally, unless an employment contract or a collective bargaining agreement states otherwise, an employer may change an employee’s job duties, schedule or work location without the employee’s consent.

What does it mean when your job takes you off the schedule?

It means you are not getting any hours for the time being.

Can company fire you for being sick?

In general, an employer can fire you for poor attendance and for any other reason, as long as they don’t fire you for an illegal reason. If you are frequently absent from work–especially if those absences tend to occur on Mondays and Fridays–then yes, your employer can probably legally fire you for those absences.

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How do you deal with a boss who won’t do anything?

Make sure your tone is calm and collaborative, not frustrated or angry. You’ll get better results if you make it clear that you’re in problem-solving mode, not complaint mode. You might hear that the job has simply changed and there’s nothing that can be done, but you might also nudge your manager into realizing she needs to adjust your work.

Can an employer violate the law if they don’t understand it?

“Employment laws are complicated, and many times employers do not intend to violate the law; they just do not understand their obligations,” says Sarah Pawlicki, an employment attorney and member of the law firm Eastman & Smith Ltd. in Toledo, Ohio. If you’ve ever wondered, “Can my boss do that?”

Can your boss forbid you from discussing your salary with co-workers?

Forbid You From Discussing Your Salary With Co-Workers Your boss may not want you and your co-workers to compare your salary or benefits, but they can’t prohibit it.

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What happens when your boss takes you off your Penske account?

Your boss takes away your access to people you need to contact in order to do your job. They may even tell other managers “I’m taking Brigitte off the Penske account because she can’t handle it — too many mistakes.” 6. Your boss starts communicating with you via email, and copying their messages to HR. 7.