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Could Sailor Moon beat Saitama?

Could Sailor Moon beat Saitama?

He is One-Punch Man. In reality, Sailor Moon’s body is impervious to damage while in her Sailor Cosmos form, meaning she would probably be able to withstand a punch from Saitama. However, due to the logic behind One-Punch Man, all it would take to defeat Sailor Moon is one punch from Saitama.

Can Sailor Moon beat Goku in a fight?

Yes, Sailor Moon can beat Goku. Sailor Moon is stronger than Goku, but in a magical way, and Goku is physically stronger than her. You’ve got to remember that she’s not always at her best, and she fights evil, not Goku. Same goes for Goku, except he’s not a she, and Goku does tend to fight Goku.

Who would win Goku or Sailor Moon?

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With her magical abilities and energy attacks, Sailor Moon is truly a force to be reckoned with. She has quite literally saved the world on more than one occasion and her power transcends lifetimes. Still, for all her gifts, in a fight between her and Goku, the odds favor him winning by over nine thousand to one.

Is Sailor Moon stronger than Sailor Galaxia?

Personality. Galaxia is the Sailor Guardian of destruction and the only rival to Eternal Sailor Moon. She holds the ultimate force of destruction in the Sailor Moon universe, the Sapphire Crystal, which makes her easily the strongest Sailor Guardian in the galaxy and universe other than Sailor Moon.

Can Sailor beat Goku Saturn?

sailor saturn from sailor moon could beat goku! Sadly, it’s true. Sailor saturn can restart time and end the galaxy with the swing of a blade.

Is Sailor Saturn the strongest?

Sailor Galaxia was always the most powerful of the Sailor Scouts, and in some ways, she’s even more powerful once she is taken over by Chaos and becomes evil. But at the end of the series, she survives the experience and Chaos is expelled from her body.

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Can Saitama beat Goku with his power?

Based on Saitama’s power, he can beat Goku. However, knowing how Goku’s potential can get, some fans say that Saitama might not be able to defeat Goku with his signature single, instant-killing punch. On the other hand, Goku’s latest, most powerful form might not land a scratch on Saitama.

Can Goku Kaiyo- beat Sailor Moon?

Of course, Sailor Moon (whose real name is Usagi) is nothing to scoff at. She has spent her best years fighting evil by moonlight, never running from a fight, and this hardcore behavior has resulted in her becoming incredibly strong. At the end of the day, Goku Kaiyo- can beat Usagi in a match of pure physical strength.

Is Goku stronger than Sailor Moon in bog?

So Goku has an advantage in terms of AP, especially since he absorbed the SSG ki into his base form, so his base form > SSG in BoG, so that means he is low multiversal in base, and can become even stronger by stacking forms on top of it, although it won’t reach multiversal. In terms of speed? Goku VS Sailor Moon?

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Who is better at Magic between Usagi and Goku?

The magic of the moon and celestial bodies give her and the Sailor Scouts their abilities. If there was any question about it, Sailor Moon can out-magic Goku in any context imaginable. When it comes to seeing who is better at magic between Usagi and Goku, clearly, she is the one on whom people can depend on.