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Did Germany have a good air force in ww2?

Did Germany have a good air force in ww2?

By the beginning of World War II, the Luftwaffe was arguably the best air force in the world, and its robust role within the combined-arms strategy utilized by German military planners allowed for the use of blitzkrieg tactics against overmatched Allied armies.

Why did the Germans want air superiority?

Achieving total air superiority allowed the Allies to carry out ever-greater strategic bombing raids on Germany’s industrial and civilian centers (including the Ruhr and Dresden), and to prosecute the land war successfully on both the Eastern and Western fronts.

What would happen if Germany had air superiority?

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If the Luftwaffe had managed temporary air superiority they could have sunk several RN ships, but they had no chance whatsoever of keeping that umbrella long enough to protect an invading army. Even if the first wave had got amazingly lucky and got ashore, they would never have been able to reinforce and resupply.

How did Germany lose air superiority in ww2?

Third, in January of 1945, Operation Bodenplatte was the Luftwaffe lost any type of air superiority. It’s fighter defenses were ill-spend on ground attack missions with ill-trained pilots, with much friendly fire. The losses in fuel and pilots could not be replaced. This was the final straw.

Who had the better Air Force in WW2?

The United States had the best air force in WWII. In fact the United States had the best air forces plural in WWII because the U.S. Navy’s air arm was almost as good as the USAAF.

What did the air force do in ww2?

The United States Army Air Forces (USAAF or AAF) was the major land-based aerial warfare service component of the United States Army and de facto aerial warfare service branch of the United States during and immediately after World War II (1941–1945).

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What happened to the German Air Force in WW2?

After the defeat of Germany, the Luftwaffe was disbanded in 1946. During World War II, German pilots claimed roughly 70,000 aerial victories, while over 75,000 Luftwaffe aircraft were destroyed or significantly damaged….

Country Nazi Germany
Allegiance Adolf Hitler
Type Air force
Role Aerial warfare

What happened to the German Air Force in ww2?

What really happened in the air over Northern Europe during WW2?

The popular conception of the struggle in the air over northern Europe during World War II is of squadrons of sleek fighters racing over the German heartland to protect contrailed streams of lumbering bombers stretching beyond sight.

Why did the US get involved in Europe in 1942?

Finally, in the spring of 1942, it was decided in high Army Air Forces’ circles to commit American air power to northern Europe. At first, the commitment would be little more than a meager show of force masking an advanced combat-training program overseen by the Royal Air Force (RAF).

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What was the Air Corps called during WW2?

When World War II began, the Air Corps—shortly to be renamed the Army Air Forces—was divided into two distinct combat arms, fighters and bombers. And, by virtue of the fighter’s stunted development, there appeared little chance that the two would spend much time working together.

Why were pursuit planes used in WW1?

The pursuit airplane had evolved over the fixed battlefields of Western Europe during World War I. Pursuit aircraft had been developed to prevent enemy reconnaissance airplanes from overflying friendly lines and to protect friendly observation airplanes from enemy pursuits while the observers overflew enemy lines.