
Did Obi-Wan think Ahsoka was guilty?

Did Obi-Wan think Ahsoka was guilty?

Obi-Wan doesn’t believe Ahsoka is guilty of these crimes, but he has a very hard time arguing politically that the Jedi Council shouldn’t do what they do to her. He trusts in the Force, which is what they love to say when they don’t know what they’re doing, and they expel her. He can’t argue the logic.

Did Tarkin frame Ahsoka?

However, Ahsoka was framed by Barriss for the attack and killing Letta. Tarkin, an Adjutant General at the time, was deadset on Ahsoka paying for the crime, even though they didn’t have sufficient evidence that she planned the bombing.

Did Palpatine hate Ahsoka?

Like her then-mentor Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka initially respected Palpatine, but the two became enemies after she left the Jedi Order; after Palpatine declared himself emperor, Ahsoka helped Bail Organa create the Rebel Network.

Did Plo Koon betray Ahsoka?

While the whole Jedi Council turned their backs on Ahsoka Tano in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Plo Koon’s betrayal probably hurt her the most. But before that, she was a young Jedi betrayed by one of her closest friends in the Order —and it wasn’t Anakin Skywalker.

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Did Obi-Wan not like Ahsoka?

4 Their Relationship Became Strained When She Left The Jedi Order. Although Obi-Wan felt that Ahsoka was innocent and would never have harmed innocents, he did not help her to prove this. He also did not say a word during her Jedi Council trial, which felt like a betrayal to Ahsoka.

Who setup Ahsoka?

All along the way, Barriss was there to help her friend, leading Ahsoka to different clues and places — until Anakin Skywalker discovered the truth. It was Barriss herself who orchestrated the bombing and framed Ahsoka. Anakin dueled Barriss on Coruscant, and eventually placed her under arrest.

Did Plo Koon care about Ahsoka?

Despite their important bond, Plo Koon nevertheless abandoned Ahsoka, choosing to believe the unconvincing circumstantial evidence. He supported Ahsoka’s removal from the Jedi Order, and later apologized to her for not believing her when she was proved innocent.