
Did the Midichlorians create Anakin?

Did the Midichlorians create Anakin?

Not only did the Dark Lord deem the project a failure, his efforts ultimately backfired and caused the midi-chlorians to create Anakin Skywalker, the prophesied Chosen One of Jedi legend who was destined to restore balance to the Force by destroying the Sith.

Why did Padme age slower than Anakin?

She had always behaved older than her age and had recently become the youngest Queen of Naboo, but she too was still fairly young in years. Padmé was born in the year 46 BBY on Naboo, and Anakin was born five years later, in the year 41 BBY. That makes Padmé five years older than Anakin.

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Is Padme a cradle robber?

The age of Padmé Naberrie Amidala She is 14 years old in BBY 32 when the Episode I occurs. In Episode III during BBY 19, she is 27. She robbed the cradle in the case of Anakin Skywalker because she is five years his senior.

Why does Queen Amidala have a decoy?

Sabé impersonated Queen Amidala in order to protect her during the Invasion of Naboo. When Federation forces captured the Theed Royal Palace, Sabé switched roles with the queen, who posed as a simple handmaiden, going by her less commonly known name, Padmé.

What is the connection between Anakin and Padmé?

In the novelization of Revenge of the Sith, many references are made in regard to this, most notably, when Anakin and Padmé communicate with each other across the city (he from the Jedi Temple, she from her apartment), something also briefly implied in the film itself.

Was Anakin Skywalker created by the midi-chlorians?

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Qui-Gon Jinn believed that the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker, was conceived by the midi-chlorians. Midi-chlorian was the scientific name for a species of sentient and microscopic organisms that inhabited the cells of every life form.

How does the force work with midi-chlorians?

The Force spoke through the midi-chlorians, allowing certain beings to use the Force if they were sensitive enough to its powers. In order to gauge an individual’s potential in the Force, blood tests were used to estimate the number of midi-chlorians within the subject’s cells.

How did the Jedi determine midi-chlorians?

The Jedi Order utilized the scientific procedure of blood testing to estimate the number of midi-chlorians within prospective initiates. In addition to their scientific knowledge of midi-chlorians, Jedi philosophy held that the midi-chlorians were the foundation of all life itself.