Tips and tricks

Did Thor beat apocalypse?

Did Thor beat apocalypse?

This time, Thor stabbed Apocalypse in the shoulder. With Thor devoid of any restraints, he quickly hit Apocalypse with a barrage of Jarnbjorn attacks that brought down the mutant with a series of deep cuts and stabs. Absorbing Man’s sudden appearance is the only thing that keeps Thor from killing the young Apocalypse.

Who would win in a fight between Thor and Vision?

Even if Mjolnir was taken away from him, Thor is many times faster and stronger. If Vision attempts his standard move – phasing through an opponent and becoming solid – it’s more than likely Thor will just rip through his opponent.

Who would win Hulk vs Thor?

There is sheer power, base strength and bursts of energy. Everyone can probably agree that The Hulk most likely has the most powerful bursts of power, but when it comes to base strength, Thor is absolutely the winner.

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Who would win in a fight between Thor and Loki?

Stan Lee revealed that the Asgardian ruler would win the match-up. In a recent interview, the iconic comic book writer told a young fan why Thor would win the fight.

Did Thor really beat the Hulk?

When it comes to the comics, there is a lot more evidence backing up Thor’s foretold victory. Back in 2001, Thor technically won a battle against the Hulk after years of being held in stalemate. The thunder god zapped the Hulk with a lightning bolt to the head, a move which knocked the beast out.

Is vision more powerful than Thor?

Vision doesn’t use his phasing and seldom uses his mind stone, while Thor doesn’t use his lightning. They seemed pretty equal. Thor looked more skilled but Vision seemed to feel less pain. Of course, this was before Thor unlocked his full powers.

Is Thor a Norse god?

Thor is one of the Norse gods.” Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe have seen the Hulk and Thor on the big screen. In The Avengers, Thor fights Hulk on Nick Fury’s crashing helicarrier while Loki enjoys the show from his prison cell. The two duke it out, and Thor seems surprised by the monster’s strength.