
Did Thorin know about Sauron?

Did Thorin know about Sauron?

Once the Orcs attack the other armies at Erebor, Thorin isn’t going to be around long enough for knowledge of Sauron to matter much. He would be aware of the history of Sauron, the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, and the Battle of Dagorlad; but only as historical events.

What if Thorin had the ring?

In terms of the story, if Thorin had found the Ring, the other Dwarves likely would have all been eaten by spiders in Mirkwood. Thorin himself was captured by the Wood-Elves right away, and Thranduil’s people would have probably would have found the One on him.

Is Thorin mentioned in The Lord of the Rings?

The Lord of the Rings film trilogy Although Thorin makes no appearance in Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy, he is mentioned by Gandalf in the extended edition of The Fellowship of the Ring, during the Fellowship’s journey through Moria.

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What drove Thorin mad?

The book answer is that dragon-sickness did it, in the mountain, with a pile of gold. But in the book, dragon-sickness got the Master too, who never set foot in the mountain—but it didn’t get the rest of the Erebor Dwarves or Bilbo (or did it?).

Does Thorin know about the ring?

He certainly didn’t know that Bilbo had found it. If he knew of its existence at all, he would also have known that it was taken from Sauron and then lost. But it’s unlikely that he knew any more than that. The Dwarves never felt the effects of their own rings, and in any case, they kept them deeply secret.

How did smaug know Thorin was called Oakenshield?

Smaug had attacked the Dwarves’s mountain, Erebor (the Lonely Mountain) about 150 years before, and had taken both the Dwarves’ mountain and their treasure. On the journey, the company encountered a band of trolls; Thorin was the only Dwarf not to be taken unawares.

Does Thorin Oakenshield brother?

Biography. Frerin was the second son of Thráin II, older brother of Dís, younger brother of Thorin Oakenshield, grandson of Thrór, and uncle of Fíli and Kíli. He lived in the Lonely Mountain.

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Who succeeded Thorin Oakenshield?

When Thorin died, he was buried with the Arkenstone, and Orcrist was returned and laid upon his tomb. The blade would glow blue should Orcs approach, and they could thus not take the Mountain by surprise. Thorin was succeeded as leader of Durin’s Folk by his cousin Dáin.

Is Thorin Oakenshield evil?

While he is never entirely a villain, Thorin Oakenshield becomes temporarily cast as one due to circumstance. From the beginning, the character possesses a strong sense of self-importance, and a gruff impatience which is not entirely endearing.

Who killed Thorin’s father?

In T.A. 2790 Nár returned to tell Thráin that his father had been captured and butchered by the Orc-chieftain Azog when they had journeyed to the mines of Moria. Even worse, Azog had beheaded Thrór and carved his own name on Thrór’s forehead to show the Dwarves that an Orc now ruled their ancestral home.

How did Thorin retrieve his grandfather from the Arkenstone?

Thorin went to retrieve his grandfather before he could ever chase after the Arkenstone. Thorin made his way out of the mountain, where he noticed a band of elves on the hill led the Dwarves’ ally, King Thranduil.

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Who is Thorin III Stonehelm?

Thorin III Stonehelm was the son and heir of Dáin II Ironfoot of Durin’s folk, who was king of the Dwarves of Erebor and the Iron Hills in Rhovanion . Thorin Stonehelm was born in the Iron Hills to Lord Dáin Ironfoot.

What happened to Thorin in The Lord of the Rings?

Thorin was still a youngster (aged c. 24), by Dwarves’ reckoning, when the dragon Smaug descended upon the mountain of Erebor in flames. Smaug left the mannish town of Dale in ruins and killed many dwarves who were inside the mountain. Thrór and Thráin (Thorin’s father) escaped using a secret Back Door.

How did Thorin become king under the mountain?

During the War of the Ring at the age of one hundred fifty-three, Thorin fought the Easterlings in the Battle of Dale, and took refuge in the Lonely Mountain after his father was killed at its gates, along with Brand, the King of Dale. Thorin then became King under the Mountain.