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Did Tolkien write Hobbit for kids?

Did Tolkien write Hobbit for kids?

Tolkien intended The Hobbit as a “fairy-story” and wrote it in a tone suited to addressing children although he said later that the book was not specifically written for children but had rather been created out of his interest in mythology and legend.

Was LOTR written for kids?

Written for children, the book introduced Middle Earth and its inhabitants, primarily hobbits, dwarves, elves, a wizard, and men. Although Tolkien is most famous for his Lord of the Rings, his prolific writing career began in childhood and was lifelong.

Was The Hobbit meant for kids?

Parents need to know that, of J.R.R. Tolkien’s many excellent books, The Hobbit is the better choice for tweens. It makes a great read-aloud for kids 8 and up and read-alone for 10 or 11 and up. Kids younger than 8 will probably have a tough time with both the vocabulary and some of the violence.

Why is The Hobbit a children’s book?

Tolkien didn’t think fairy stories, as he called them, were only for children, and didn’t think children need to be spoken to in a certain voice. He felt children were intelligent enough to take in any almost any fairy story. He wrote The Hobbit as a story to tell his children and didn’t expect it to be popular.

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Is LOTR a childrens book?

If your kids are looking for an epic fantasy adventure, J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are good places to start. There may be One Ring to rule them all, but not every piece of The Hobbit and LOTR entertainment is appropriate for all ages.

Is LOTR a YA novel?

It’s an adult fantasy book whose heroine just happens to be 19. There’s no romance in this and a lot of political intrigue. So I would say that this is an adult book, but that doesn’t mean young adults can’t read it!

Did Tolkien write a sequel to Lord of the Rings?

After the The Lord of the Rings was published, did J. R. R. Tolkien have plans to write a sequel? – Quora. Yes and no. He was working on a possible sequel The New Shadow about evil returning in the Fourth Age, but found it both repulsive and depressing. He wrote it for some 13 pages, but quit.

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Why was LOTR banned?

The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien, had been burned in 2001 because it was deemed as ‘satanic’. In fact, the author, J.R.R. Tolkien, was a devout Roman Catholic. Many of his books convey Christian themes, and he even played a significant part in converting author C.S.