
Do all INTJs read?

Do all INTJs read?

According to my surveys, the average INTJ reads 31 books per year. Many INTJs were drawn to non-fiction and philosophical books, which they would read in sections, but not finish from cover-to-cover. “Philosophy is my favorite subject to read about, followed by mysteries or psychology books.

Are INTJs good at reading body language?

INTJs might not always pay close attention to other people’s body language, since they might not care to. INTJs also aren’t the most expressive people themselves, so body language might be the best way to understand their behaviors or feelings.

Do INTJs like sci fi?

Why INTJs Love It: Sci-Fi movies are great for thinking people who want to explore the possibilities of the universe or the future. Alien is a welcome treat for INTJs who often delight in exploring these kinds of possibilities. Ellen Ripley is also believed to be a great example of an INTJ heroine.

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Are INTJs fickle?

While most of the world jumps for what they want, an INTJ takes their time—deciding if it fits their fickle standards. It can rub people the wrong way because an INTJ may not be matching the emotion of those around them, but that’s just how they are.

How many books do intjs read per year?

According to my surveys, the average INTJ reads 31 books per year. I think the number may have been higher for INTJs if we included unfinished books. Many INTJs were drawn to non-fiction and philosophical books, which they would read in sections, but not finish from cover-to-cover.

What do intjs value most in life?

What we really value is what we do with it. This is because INTJs don’t view intelligence as a static thing (you’re either “smart” or “not smart” and that’s that). We view intelligence as a constant process of learning more about the world. As a result, accomplishing things in the world matters a lot.

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How do intjs express themselves?

This is often why INTJs will express themselves using a lot of metaphor and simile rather than concrete language. They blend rational, fact-based thinking with vivid imagery to make a powerful impression in their speech and writing. “Anything described that is devoid of associated images or symbolism seems barren and without life.

What is the INTJ paradox?

It’s a paradox that makes them all the more mysterious and intriguing! There are a lot of “cold, robotic” stereotypes about INTJs in the type community, especially online. But what most people ignore is that INTJs actually have tertiary Introverted Feeling (Fi).