
Do all tarot card decks have the same meanings?

Do all tarot card decks have the same meanings?

Regardless of an artist’s interpretation of a card, such as the High Priestess, the card’s meaning generally stays the same from tarot deck to tarot deck (to further dive into tarot, check out Allure’s guide to reading tarot cards).

Why do we read tarot cards?

The aim of a tarot reading is to explore a question about the self. You pick cards to help you reflect on possible answers, interpreting the meaning of each in relation to what you asked. Keep in mind that tarot cards are tools for introspection, and for that reason it’s best to keep questions open-ended.

What happens in a tarot reading?

What happens in a tarot reading. Most tarot readings start with a question or area of focus such as career or relationship. The question can be as simple as Tell me what I need to know right now. The person asking the question is the querent. The person reading the cards is the reader. They can be the same person.

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Should you interpret your own tarot cards?

In fact, it can be very hard to remain objective and professional about your own Tarot reading, particularly when you have such a vested interest. There’s nothing wrong with interpreting your own Tarot cards, but you may want to also seek the opinion of an objective third party.

How do I get a second opinion on a tarot reading?

To get a second opinion, post your Tarot reading on a forum like Aeclectic Tarot or Tarot Circle, ask a Tarot friend or colleague, or engage a professional Tarot reader to help interpret your Tarot reading. Reading Tarot for yourself can be incredibly powerful and insightful, if you do it correctly.

Are tarot card readers serious people?

But the majority of tarot people I know are serious artists, therapists and craftsmen. They love tarot, enjoy what they are doing and believe it a positive thing for them and the people they work with. They’re the real deal. Most tarot readings start with a question or area of focus such as career or relationship.