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Do alpha males get along with each other?

Do alpha males get along with each other?

An Alpha Male May Not Play Well With Others Considering what we’ve discussed so far, it should come as no surprise when we say the alpha male may not always play well with others. When you get two alpha males together, it can often turn into a competition where each of them is competing for the group’s attention.

Can two alpha male live together?

Some people think that the only way an alpha can thrive in a relationship is if they are paired with a beta. Two compatible alphas in a relationship make a power couple. Alphas that don’t know how to work with other alphas are dictators – they’re ruled by ego, not confidence and strength.

Can there be multiple alphas?

The highest-ranking male is the alpha male. The highest-ranking female is the alpha female. Every primate group has one alpha male, one alpha female, not more than that.

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What makes a good guy an alpha male?

Good guy alpha males are those who help others along the way to their success, want other people to be happy to and come from a place of love and compassion. Bad boy alpha males (e.g. thugs, tough guys, etc) often don’t care about how other people feel. As long as they get what they want, life is fine according to them.

How would you describe an alpha male in a relationship?

An alpha male is always busy, even when he is in a committed relationship. He has his own stuff to do and places to be. He won’t suddenly drop everything just because he found a girlfriend.

Do bad boy alpha males really exist?

Yes, bad boy alpha males exist, but so do good guy alpha males. Good guy alpha males are those who help others along the way to their success, want other people to be happy to and come from a place of love and compassion. Bad boy alpha males (e.g. thugs, tough guys, etc) often don’t care about how other people feel.

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What are the most common misconceptions about alpha males?

Real alpha males don’t have to put on a big, flashy show to attract women. They are attractive “as is” and if he also wants to be flashy, he does that because he likes it, not because he’s hoping to be liked. This is the most common misconception that guys have.