
Do car salesmen really need to talk to their manager?

Do car salesmen really need to talk to their manager?

The main reason being that the sales manager controls all the pricing of the cars in order to ensure that the dealership is making a profit. However, since they don’t typically have control over the pricing, they need to consult with the manager in order to get a price that both parties can agree on.

Can you be denied a car loan after pre approval?

While the answer to “can you be denied a car loan after pre-approval?” is, “yes, but rarely,” when it does occur it’s often based on a delineated time frame. The fine print likely stipulates that the lender actually has 30 days to decide whether or not to approve the loan.

Are car salesmen trained to separate you from your money?

“The salesmen are very specifically trained to separate you from your money,” says Jeff Bartlett, Consumer Reports’ managing editor for cars. “This is a skill they practice daily, whereas the average car buyer buys a car every five years or so.

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Do dealerships give you extra when you buy a car?

However, while there are some extras that you should avoid like the plague, what many drivers don’t realize is that dealerships—whether big chains or small independent salesrooms—are usually quite happy to give customers a little something extra for free if they think that the buyer might be wavering a little. All you have to do is ask.

What to say when negotiating at a car dealership?

When you return to the dealership ready to make a purchase, don’t let yourself be taken hostage. Say: “Give us your best price.” Then, if the salesperson offers to go back and forth negotiating with their manager, tell them to text or email you the results.

Should you ask the dealership to wax your car?

It is perfectly reasonable to ask the dealership to give the exterior of the vehicle a good wax and polish, and to make sure the interior of the car is completely clean, including the carpets and upholstery. However, don’t be afraid to ask for the same treatment, even if you are buying a new car.