
Do college professors allow retakes?

Do college professors allow retakes?

Talk to Your Instructor Talk to your professor about the possibility of retaking the exam. If you missed the exam and have an excuse, you’ll likely be allowed to make up the missed test. Without an excuse or valid reason to retake (beyond failing), it’s unlikely that you will be allowed to retake.

What to say when you want a second chance?

You can say something like, “No matter what happened between us, I’m sorry and want another chance because we’re so much better together.” You might want to go through the steps we’ve mentioned above about apologizing, making amends, taking responsibility, and showing how things have changed.

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Can you redo an assignment in college?

Yes, you can reset students’ assignments! This is especially helpful if students submits before they have finished answering questions or they do poorly on an assignment and you want to give them another try.

How do you deal with a rude professor in class?

Be polite and never place blame on the professor. Be polite, and never place blame on your professor or his class. Instead, use only “I” statements. Your grade is your responsibility, but your professor could cut you some slack depending on how dedicated you have proven yourself to be in his class.

What happens when you have a bad professor?

A bad professor can cast a gloomy cloud on your learning experience that’s really unfair to students. Luckily, there are things we can do to deal with it and fight through the crummy professor-ness! Have you ever had a bad professor?

How can I get in contact with my professor?

Professors put their name, email, office hours, telephone number, etc., on their syllabus for the very reason of making it more convenient for students to reach out to them. Scheduling a face-to-face meeting with your professor is a smart idea, especially if questions cannot be answered through a simple email or in limited class time.

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What was your first day of class like with your professor?

On the first day of class, my freshly-assigned professor seemed nice enough, if not a little overwhelmed. I introduced myself after class, and that was the last nice conversation we had. While he seemed like a decent human being, as a professor he was rude, inconsistent, uninformative, and simply bad.