
Do driving test examiners fail you on purpose?

Do driving test examiners fail you on purpose?

If you are up to driving test standard you will pass. It’s not meant to be easy, and the fact is that over 50\% of candidates are just not up to the standard required. Driving examiners don’t fail you: you fail yourself.

Is it okay to change driving instructors?

Its never too late to change your instructor no matter how far you’ve come in your driving journey. Most new instructors will see how you drive in your first lesson and look for areas to progress you further and make you test ready! An instructor should be on your side to support your driving journey- not against you!

Can you talk to the driving examiner?

A driving examiners job can become monotonous, so having a friendly chat and perhaps a laugh may break up any monotony. If however, talking and driving isn’t your thing and you feel that is may increase your chances of making mistakes, you’re probably better off keeping quiet.

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Why do driving instructors shout?

People shout in these situations because they don’t have the ‘tools’ to know what to do. They don’t understand why their pupils ‘can’t do it’, after all they’ve ‘told them over and over’ what to do! So if they can’t understand it now, well they must be stupid!

How do you deal with rude people?

By avoiding habitually rude people, you take away their audience and give them fewer targets to lash out at. A lack of an audience will also defuse the situation. If everyone around them begins giving them a wide berth, perhaps it will be a wake-up call. And if not, it will at least help everyone else have a better day.

Do examiners have bad attitudes towards driving test candidates and instructors?

Thankfully, we are hearing of fewer and fewer instances of people having issues with examiners’ bad attitudes towards driving test candidates and driving instructors. We have personally found most examiners to be very friendly, professional and approachable.

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How do I complain about a driving test?

The majority of driving test examiners are polite and conduct driving tests in a appropriate manner expected by the DVSA and by test candidates. If you feel that your driving test was conducted inappropriately, you may make a complaint against the driving examiner to the DVSA and appeal the driving test results.

How do you tell if an instructor is being rude?

If the instructor is calling you an idiot or asking if you have the brains of a hamster, he is being rude. If he barks out a command to check your mirrors, he is doing his job. Build your own medieval empire!