Tips and tricks

Do I need a screen protector if my phone has Gorilla Glass?

Do I need a screen protector if my phone has Gorilla Glass?

So yes, Gorilla Glass does need a screen protector. This way you can leave it to Corning to keep your phone drop safe from cracking and screen guards to keep your phone scratch free and looking brand new.

Which one is better Gorilla glass or tempered glass?

Corning is a brand that offers gorilla glasses which are toughened, highly scratch-resistant, and quite durable….Differences in Corning Gorilla Glass and Tempered Glass.

Basis Tempered Glass Gorilla Glass
Properties These are 99.99\% transparent, shatter and scratch proof and come with a responsive touch. These are damage resistant, lightweight, thin, and scratch-resistant
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Is Gorilla Glass and Screen Guard same?

Tempered glass screen guards are much sturdier and robust in nature than the former. Tempered glass is made up of oil and scratch resistant gorilla glass. It enhances your usability experience as your fingers glide more smoothly on these screen guards. They prevent excessive fingerprints and oil smudges.

Are gorilla screen protectors good?

5.0 out of 5 starsAwesome Screen protector, the best! There is not much to say about this product. It just works and it is easy to put on your phone. You can drop it, crack your screen and peel it off without there being any damage to the phone screen its self.

Is it better to have a screen protector or a case?

A good case will protect your phone from scratches and absorb impact in those areas when your device is dropped. If you were to go with just one accessory, a case is more important than a screen protector given the case’s reach over more parts of the phone.

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How good is Gorilla Glass 3?

Corning Gorilla Glass 3. The glass is a thin sheet of alkali-aluminosilicate that makes the glass tougher and scratch resistant. With the improved damage resistance, the glass can survive pressures, deep cuts and scratches. According to Corning, the Glass 3 is three times better than its previous versions.

What is Gorilla Glass on smartphones?

Gorilla Glass Explained. There was a time when screen protectors were a good idea, but modern devices have more advanced screen protection built-in. Most smartphones you’ll buy use Corning’s Gorilla Glass.

Should you use a screen protector with Corning Gorilla Glass 5/6?

So Should You Use a tempered Glass or Screen Protector With Corning Gorilla Glass 5/6? The straight and simple answer is yes. It is best to use the Screen Protector or Tempered Glass to prevent micro-scratches or even the glass shattering of the display due to a sudden fall.

What kind of glass do smartphones use?

Most smartphones you’ll buy use Corning’s Gorilla Glass. This is a toughened, hard glass with high scratch resistance. Corning has actually been releasing new versions of Gorilla Glass over the years — Gorilla Glass 3 was introduced in 2013 and Corning boasted it was up to 40\% more scratch resistant than Gorilla Glass 2.


What are the benefits of tempered glass screen protectors?

In case of a sudden fall or accidental drop the Tempered Glass will protect the screen, else you will have to bear the costly repairs. Most phones don’t come with accidental protection or free screen replacement so it is logical to protect the displays. Protect your eyes from glare, some of the premium scratch guards do help reduce glare.