Tips and tricks

Do I need to wash my hair before a haircut?

Do I need to wash my hair before a haircut?

It isn’t necessary to wash your hair before a haircut, although it is recommended. Usually, a haircut is paired with having your hair styled also. We don’t recommend having dirty hair cut and styled since you’ll eventually need to wash your hair and potentially ruin the new style (and second-day hair).

Is it rude to not wash hair before haircut?

Ideally, you should wash your hair a day before your haircut. This will allow you to go to the salon with dry and ready to be styled hair. Second-day hair is easier to work with as compared to freshly washed or unwashed hair. It is easier to style and can hold the hairstyle better compared to other hair wash days.

Can I cut my hair in the shower?

We’re on hand to help talk you though trimming your hair if you’re not confident on your own. Do cut your hair in the bathroom. Don’t cut your hair when it’s wet – when it dries it will bounce up which means you’ll end up with it shorter than you wanted. Cut it dry instead.

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Should I go to the salon with dirty hair?

General rule of thumb: come with clean(ish) hair. This doesn’t necessarily mean freshly washed hair (2-3 days from your last shampoo is generally fine). But hair that is overly dirty, greasy or even just full of product makes it harder for hairdressers to get to know your hair in its natural state.

Should I cut my hair in the bathtub?

The bathtub is probably a good solution to avoid messing with the floor, but be sure to trash you hair somewhere else (i.e. not in the sink), since messing with your drain will be far worse than having to clean the floor.

How do I wash my hair after cutting it at home?

Set-up for success Cleaning up stray clumps of hair can be a pain. Expedite clean up by draping a towel around shoulders and on the floor. You can also use old newspapers on the floor if you want something to just crumple up and throw away after you are done.

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Is it better to color dirty or clean hair?

Hair color takes best to clean, freshly washed hair. Only when using chemically harsh dyes, proceeding with dirty hair may be recommended so that your hair’s oils can protect the hair and scalp from lasting damage. For best results, we recommend a more natural color on squeaky clean hair.