
What is generic and stream training in Infosys?

What is generic and stream training in Infosys?

Generic training consisted of Programming Fundamentals, Object Oriented Programming Retail (OOPR) in Python and DBMS. Stream training consisted of RedHat Linux training where I was trained on Linux Server Administration, Ansible Fundamentals, Windows Server Administration, Unix and Powershell Scripting.

What is hands on training in Infosys?

The Hands on is particularly 3 hours coding exam where you will be given the simple questions might be three and you have to solve them which will carry the 60 percent of the weightage. And then the objective will have 40 percent of the marks which will have 200 marks question ,there will be total 33 questions.

What is Saq in Infosys?

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Preparation for Short Answer Questions (SAQ) in a Time-Limited Exam.

What is an SAQ question?

The Short Answer Questions (SAQ) follow the Multiple Choice portion of the AP exam. You have 40 minutes. The Short Answer Questions (SAQ) follow the Multiple Choice portion of the AP exam. There are. 4 SAQs, and each one has 3 parts.

What is the procedure to become a system engineer in Infosys?

As you know when you join Infosys for the post of System Engineer you have to give two exams FA1 and FA2 in the generic. After clearing these two examinations you will go to the stream training. When I had joined Infosys, I had gone through FA1 and FA2 and then for stream training. But now Infosys takes a fast track exam after induction.

What is the procedure to join Infosys stream training?

As you know when you join Infosys for the post of System Engineer you have to give two exams FA1 and FA2 in the generic. After clearing these two examinations you will go to the stream training. When I had joined Infosys, I had gone through FA1 and FA2 and then for stream training.

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What is the syllabus of generic training in Infosys?

True that, Infosys stepped into new methodology of giving a chance for the Trainees to complete the generic training at their home itself. Generic Training : The syllabus is Python and RDBMS. You will be learning these two to its depth and it’s not going to be like college anymore.

Is Infosys a good choice for a fresher?

Infosys is a really a good choice for any fresher purely in the sense that, you are going to learn programming like never before (do trust my words), which is the need of the hour. All the very best and feel free to drop down your questions related to Infosys Mysore Training if you have any.