Tips and tricks

Do Indian Christians kiss at their wedding?

Do Indian Christians kiss at their wedding?

The bride and the groom exchange vows, slip the ring in the finger, kiss and they are done. If the couple chooses to only exchange the vows, then and only then the wedding ends within fifteen minutes or so.

Why do Christians kiss on wedding?

Wedding kiss It is a Western custom for a newly married couple to exchange a kiss at the conclusion of their wedding ceremony. Some Christians hold the belief that the kiss symbolizes the exchange of souls between the bride and the groom, fulfilling the scripture that “the two shall become one flesh”.

Where does the Bible say to wait until marriage?

There are numerous Scriptures that declare sex before marriage to be a sin (Acts 15:20 ; 1 Corinthians 5:1 ; 6:13 , 18 ; 10:8 ; 2 Corinthians 12:21 ; Galatians 5:19 ; Ephesians 5:3 ; Colossians 3:5 ; 1 Thessalonians 4:3 ; Jude 7 ). The Bible promotes complete abstinence before marriage.

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Are Indian Christian weddings different from what we see in movies?

The reality is that Indian Christian weddings are quite different from what you see in films. Most of us believe that Christian weddings are the shortest in the world. The bride and the groom exchange vows, slip the ring in the finger, kiss and they are done.

Do Hindu/Sikh/Hindu brides and groom ever kiss?

In Hindu weddings, I think kissing between the bride and groom is extremely rare, I haven’t seen it happen ever and I’ve been to a LOT of Hindu/Sikh weddings. Most marriages, even ‘love marriages’ tend to have some kind of emotional ‘separation’ between the couple.

How prevalent is matchmaking among Christians in India?

Matchmaking is prevalent in the Indian Christian communities and just like any other community in the country, arranged marriages are quite pervasive. Major Christian population in India is concentrated in South India, North-East India and parts of Konkani coastal areas.

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What is the dress code for a Christian wedding in India?

For a typical Indian Christian wedding, the groom mostly wears a formal suit. They usually wear a black or white suit depending on the theme of the wedding. He wears a white shirt and has a boutonniere on the left lapel of his jacket. Contrary to popular concept, the bride does not always wear a white frothy gown.