
Do INTJs care about what other people think?

Do INTJs care about what other people think?

They do care about “how” people think and how others process things in their minds. However, they never take granted conclusions or judjments from others. I have a couple in my family ,I dated one and I’ve worked with a bunch of them. They only care about what the people they care about or respect think.

Do INTJs like anime?

INTJ personality types tend to love high-concept, complex plots, and, while there’s plenty of that in anime, there’s also plenty of boring dreck, too. Much like western media and entertainment, anime covers a wide variety of genres and subgenres.

How do you get to know an INTJ?

There is no better way to get to know the INTJ than to hear directly from them and look at some things INTJs say. There are many forums where people go to talk about personality types and how every personality tends to cope with their shortcomings and what they find good about their personalities.

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What are intjs like in relationships?

INTJs enjoy friendships and need people just as much as anyone else. However, getting people to play along with that goal is a source of endless frustration for this personality type. Analytical approaches are pretty much useless when trying to connect with another person, and INTJs usually come to know this through painful experience.

Are intjs introverts or introverts?

The INTJ may sometimes be introspective in a typical Introverted fashion, but these times are shortlived and they won’t ponder over the unknown for too long, they would much rather focus on the things that can be observed and analyzed, and they would much rather take care of real-world things than dwell in some secret INTJ world.

What is an INTJ afraid of?

INTJs are afraid of their order and surroundings going into chaos and becoming messy, and they don’t like uncertainty. INTJ may also be afraid of getting caught in a situation they cannot get out of and INTJ does not like to do things that don’t challenge them mentally. How do you know if an Intj likes you?

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