
Do INTJs understand others emotions?

Do INTJs understand others emotions?

Yes, but INTJs apparently tend to develop the sympathy-empathy and emotional aspects in the brain later on than others.

Which MBTI type has highest EQ?

Perceivers tend to have a higher average EQ since their minds are open and willing to accept new information. They also tend to be less judgemental and don’t jump to conclusions that often. Therefore, INFPs and ENFPs are most likely to have the highest EQ.

What are intjs like as emotionally?

For a personality type known as “robots,” INTJs have a deep emotional core. We keep this largely hidden from the world, not as a protective measure but simply because we tend to view feelings as private. Expressing them in public is awkward, like forgetting to put on pants. But those feelings are surprisingly sensitive.

How do intjs act when they are wrong?

It’s true that INTJs can be absolutely wrong about who a person really is, but they usually learn from experience to trust their intuitive hunches. Right or wrong, if an INTJ thinks you’re in a bad career, relationship, or life trajectory, they’ll probably tell you. Bluntly. 4. Tears and feelings It’s not that INTJs don’t care.

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Are You an INTJ when it comes to dating?

While dating starts in the teenage years for most people, this isn’t true for everyone. The people who are alone are normally INTJ personalities. This is one of the INTJ traits that many people find confusing. They themselves like to be with someone in a special way; why not everyone else?

What are the signs of INTJ personality disorder?

Things like being unable to handle certain kinds of touch, for example – some INTJ’s can be fine with one type of touch, but not another. They can also be changeable as to what types of touch they like and are comfortable with. People can be impatient when they face something they don’t understand.