Tips and tricks

Do people still use Clojure?

Do people still use Clojure?

People are using Clojure at work, especially for web development. See what tools Clojure developers are using, what version of Java they are targeting, and where they are spending time socializing with other devs.

Should I learn Clojure or go?

Clojure is ideal for solving LISP problems with little effort. Go is ideal for obtaining high performance. Learn to use the most appropriate tool and learn how to get your tools to work together. These languages while similar in application are very different in their characteristics.

Is Clojure hard?

clojure is hard to learn. very hard. Of lisps i know, 10 years of emacs lisp and some scheme/racket lisp, clojure is rather quite different from them, and introduced lots of clojure’s own concepts, such as transducer, and clojure’s metadata, clojure’s “protocol”, clojure’s refs and transactions, atoms, agents.

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Is Clojure a good first language?

It’s worth. Clojure has a simple functional language foundation that should be good for learning as a first language. The reason is, that you have to learn about 1) Lisp, 2) Clojure’s approach to concurrency (immutable data structures + reference types) and 3) the JVM.

What is wrong with Clojure?

Main issue is that the language is not very readable (a pain point mentioned in these slides) and very hard to find people to work in it. Also more than any other language Clojure is very sensitive to typos in your code. A misspelled keyword results in nil accidentally flowing through your app.

Is learning Clojure worth it?

Clojure will be around because it is a useful and pragmatic and *productive* language. Despite paren fear, it is an easy language to learn and once you get started you can immediately be productive and very expressive with less ceremony than other languages.

Should you learn Clojure?

“Learning Clojure is the best way you can improve as a programmer because it introduces you to powerful concepts implemented in a simple, cohesive, and practical language. You learn Clojure here. Therefore, Brave Clojure is your very best friend when it comes to programming.” And lo, the syllogism was born!

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Why is Clojure hard?

Clojure is a Lisp variant and Lisp syntax is difficult for many people to swallow. There is tremendous competition in the programming language space and languages like Haskell and Clojure get lost in the fracas.

Is clojure the best programming language?

Clojure is by far the best programming language I’ve ever used. Rich Hickey’s Sermons On The Mount changed the game of programming once and for all. With Clojure you could finally have your Lisp cake and eat it.

Should I use Clojure?

Clojure is a good choice for a wide variety of projects. You can use it from social networking industry to Big Data solutions. Initially, Clojure language was targeted for working with JVM. So, the most popular modern Clojure implementation uses the Java Virtual Machine.

Why is Clojure good?

Usability: Clojure is a practical and pragmatic language. It helps to organize a fast and efficient software development process. So, I can recommend it for rapid prototyping and lean startups. Polymorphism: It’s an important feature for building extensible and flexible systems.

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Why do you want to learn Clojure?

Clojure has an enthusiastic, fast-growing community, and you will learn a lot if you decide to participate in it. If you are an employer, Clojure attracts smart people — exactly the kind of people you want to work for you (see ).

What is the ranking of Clojure and Haskell in 2019?

Clojure kept its 6th place spot from 2018 to 2019 and Haskell moved from 10th to 9th on last year’s list. Clojure scored 6th place across the board last year in terms of Community Engagement, Job Market, and Growth and Trends.

How does CL Clojure rank on the global job market list?

Clojure scored 6th place across the board last year in terms of Community Engagement, Job Market, and Growth and Trends. This year, however, it improved its Community Engagement and Growth and Trends scores at the cost of its Job Market score, leaving it in the exact same ranking as the year before.