
Do people visit cemeteries?

Do people visit cemeteries?

Today, people visit cemeteries to pay their respects to celebrities or other famous figures; honor those who have served in the military; find past relatives to fill in their genealogical background or simply enjoy the surroundings, architecture and peaceful paths many cemeteries around the world offer their visitors.

Why is visiting the cemetery important?

Visiting the grave of a loved one honors the memory of that person. It is a way of showing that this life had significance on Earth that is not forgotten. Some people view the entire process as spiritual. Being on hallowed ground is a source of comfort and peace; a place where contemplation and prayer seem so natural.

Why is it important to visit someone’s grave?

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There are many reasons it can be important, but they may not apply to you. Out of respect and remembrance of the deceased. Respect for someone who loved the deceased. It makes me feel good when I know someone has been to visit my daughter’s grave. To know they haven’t forgotten.

What does it mean when a deceased person visits you?

There is a misconception that if a deceased person is visiting you it means they did not cross over and are maybe stuck on Earth or in limbo. This is not true. When a person dies, they cross over. That means they leave this earthly plane and go back to the ether, or Heaven if that’s what you want to call it.

Is it wrong to put a flag on someone’s grave?

There’s nothing wrong with somebody wanting to go to the cemetery out of respect and to update a Flag at the grave of a veteran who gave his life or to visit a family member and to just bask in the memories. It’s maybe a thing to do to respect their memory.

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What do you do when someone visits your daughter’s grave?

Respect for someone who loved the deceased. It makes me feel good when I know someone has been to visit my daughter’s grave. To know they haven’t forgotten. To grieve, to aid in the process for yourself. I visit my daughter several times a week, I talk and read to her. It’s what helps me. To maintain the grave, fresh arrangements.