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Do podiatrists always recommend orthotics?

Do podiatrists always recommend orthotics?

As we grow older or if we are very active, almost all of us develop problems with our feet because of this constant impact. A podiatrist will assess your foot and determine what is causing your pain. As part of your foot pain treatment, your podiatrist may even recommend a simple, noninvasive treatment: orthotics.

Should everyone use orthotics?

You Have No Arch or a High Arch in Your Foot – If you have very high or low arches, regular shoes may not provide your feet the support they need. Orthotics can help provide the support that your regular shoes don’t. You Have Severe Pain in Your Foot or Heel – While this may sound obvious, many people avoid foot pain.

Who should wear orthotics?

7 Signs You Need Orthotics

  1. You have foot pain or swelling.
  2. You have sharp heel pain.
  3. You have a flat foot or high arch.
  4. You’re having problems with balance or are falling over.
  5. Your shoes are wearing unevenly.
  6. You’ve had a lower limb injury.
  7. You have diabetic foot complications.
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What happens if you don’t wear orthotics?

If you choose not to wear your orthotics, you will be further damaging your feet to the point where it could lead to serious health issues. For example, custom orthotics are able to restore joint alignment in order for the surrounding muscles and connective tissue to maintain their function.

Can I stop wearing foot orthotics?

Yes you can absolutely stop wearing your orthotics and still be pain free. You will need to firstly be aware of what your foot posture is like without the orthotics. If you have been wearing orthotics for a substantial amount of time, it may take 3-6 months to eliminate wearing them completely.

Does my child need orthotics?

The simple answer is no. Most kids do not need orthotic devices, but there are exceptions. Orthotic devices are inserts for the shoes that usually replace the sock liner and are designed to support the arch. These inserts are sometimes called arch supports, but they can do much more.

Is it OK to wear only one orthotic?

Most people experience pain in only their left or right foot (or heel or knee), not in both. However, you will still need to wear the orthotics in BOTH shoes, because wearing the orthotic in only one shoe will raise one side slightly and may put your body out of balance, causing your hips to be out of aligment.

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Are orthotics for life?

Orthotics are like eyeglasses and meant to be worn indefinitely. Eyeglasses change the shape of light to allow one to see better. Orthotics change the way ground reactive forces hit the feet, to allow one to walk better. They work to support certain muscles and ligaments, so that there is not excess strain on them.

Do you need to wear orthotics in both shoes?

When should a child see a podiatrist?

Your child is at risk for genetic foot conditions. Your child has a hard time keeping up with other children. Your child is reluctant to show you their feet. Your child complains of ANY foot pain.

Why do children wear orthotics?

They can be used to assist with flat feet, toe walking, weakness, poor balance, frequent tripping, leg length discrepancies, and etc. Orthotics are made to improve a child’s walking pattern to as normal for THEM as possible to facilitate age appropriate child development.

Can you ever stop wearing orthotics?

When do I need foot orthotics?

I recommend a foot orthotic if muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, or bones are not in an optimal functional position and are causing pain, discomfort, and fatigue. Foot orthotics can be made from different materials, and may be rigid, semirigid, semiflexible, or accommodative, depending on your diagnosis and specific needs.

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Can custom orthotics help with heel pain?

They may help with heel pain, lower back pain, general foot discomfort, or for a specific sport. For custom prescription orthotics, a health professional performs a thorough health history, including an assessment of your height, weight, level of activity, and any medical conditions.

Should there be a gap between the orthotic and the shoe?

There should be no gapping between the orthotic and the shoe. If there is, it is an indication the shoe is too narrow for the orthotic and your foot. A quality shoe will provide adequate support for only about 400 miles. After this amount of wear the ability of the shoe to support your foot will decrease dramatically.

How long should I Wear my orthoses?

Otherwise you may experience foot, leg, knee or hip pain. You should only wear them one hour on the first day, two hours on the second, three hours on the third and so on. On the eighth day you may begin wearing your orthoses full time.