
Do schools in Barcelona teach in Spanish or Catalan?

Do schools in Barcelona teach in Spanish or Catalan?

Unlike public schooling in much of the rest of the country, the teaching language in Barcelona is Catalan, which is the official language of the province. Children in Barcelona are required by law to go to school between the ages of six and 16 years old.

Do schools in Barcelona teach Catalan?

As a result, all state education in Catalonia is in Catalan, with Spanish taught as a foreign language. While some start early and some stay on, as in all parts of Spain, education is compulsory for everyone in Catalonia between the ages of 6 and 16.

What is the status of Catalan in the education system in Catalonia?

so inhabitants of Catalonia have Catalan as their mother tongue which they use at home, and the other half – immigrants – are Castillian-speaking, the educational system lays down that all pupils should, at the end of compulsory schooling, be able to use both languages.

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What language does University of Barcelona teach?

Catalan is the specific, official language of the University of Barcelona, and as such it is used for institutional and administrative matters. In university teaching, both Catalan and Spanish are used as the official languages of Catalonia.

What language is taught in Catalonia?

Languages of Catalonia
Official Catalan, Spanish, Aranese
Indigenous Catalan, Aranese
Immigrant Amazigh, American Spanish, Maghrebi Arabic, Romanian, British English, Urdu
Foreign English, French

Are Catalan and Valencian the same language?

Because the two differ only in minor respects (details of pronunciation, vocabulary, and verb conjugation) and are easily mutually intelligible, most linguists and the Valencian Academy of Language regard Valencian and Catalan to be different names for the same language.