
Do views or subscribers matter more on YouTube?

Do views or subscribers matter more on YouTube?

Subscribers are critical to your success on YouTube because they tend to spend more time watching your channel than viewers who aren’t subscribed—and if they have Notifications turned on, they’ll be alerted when you post something new. They can also view your newly published videos in their Subscriptions feed.

How many views should a channel with 1k Subs get?

Dane has done a lot of research in this area and this kind of percentage is what the average creator should expect to see. If your channel has 1,000 subscribers, than you should expect around 140 views per video.

How much does a Youtuber make with 1k subscribers?

On average, a YouTube channel can receive $18 per 1,000 ad views, which equates to $3 – $5 per 1000 video views.

Why my subscribers are not watching my videos?

When your subscribers originally signed up to receive your videos, they were expecting a specific type of content. Then, if you don’t continue delivering videos of the same type, your content becomes irrelevant to them. They are not getting what they’re interested in, so why should they keep watching your videos?

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How much money do you make on YouTube per view?

This is a complicated question to answer. There are 100s of variables involved, but for a quick calculation, you can use $1.5 per thousand views for small channels and $2 per thousand views for medium sized channels. The famous channels makes more per milli than the small channels.

How to use the YouTube money calculator to calculate your earnings?

How to Use the YouTube Money Calculator 1 Drag the YouTube View Count slider up or down based on your daily video views 2 Set your Estimated CTR based on your channel’s historic performance 3 View your estimated daily, weekly and yearly earnings potential. Are you a Creator? This estimates your earnings before Youtube’s cut.

What is the primary source of income for YouTube?

The primary source of income for youtube is from advertisement. Someone somewhere has to pay Youtube money for showing ad on your videos. Then Youtube pays about 68\% of this revenue to the Youtube channel where the ad was shown.

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Do famous YouTube channels make more money than the small channels?

The famous channels makes more per milli than the small channels. What you should understand is that you are getting paid for the value you bringing to the table. The primary source of income for youtube is from advertisement. Then Youtube pays about 68\% of this revenue to the Youtube channel where the ad was shown.