Tips and tricks

Do we all share the same mind?

Do we all share the same mind?

Yes we are all of the same consciousness and also individually different. Each one of the 7.5 Billion humans are unique beings experiencing for the “One Universal Creation”.

What does pure awareness feel like?

You might experience pure awareness at times, when you are engrossed in some interesting absorbing activity and forget everything else for a little while. When in this state, worries and problems disappear, and you enjoy a sense of inner peace.

What are the seven levels of consciousness?

In brief, the seven levels of consciousness which make up the path of spiritual development, are: 1. the state of waking consciousness; 2. deep sleep; 3. dreaming; 4. transcendental consciousness; 5. cosmic consciousness; 6. god consciousness; unity consciousness.

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What is the difference between conscious and conscience?

• Conscious refers to one’s awareness whereas conscience refers to the moral strength of an individual. • There is nothing qualitative about the word conscious. It just reflects the fact that a person is wide awake. On the other hand, conscience is qualitative as it is judgmental and lies on a continuum.

What is true consciousness?

True Consciousness. Because it is in spiritual depth and true human consciousness that we begin to feel nothing but positivity and at one with ourselves, all others and the universe, no negative events, will truly affect a person who is completely living in a human conscious way as this kind of person understands that life continues on always.

What is consciousness made out of?

To ask what consciousness is made of is itself evidence of our predisposition to assume that substance — matter or energy — is the substrate of the universe, so that everything in the universe must be made out of either matter or energy. This is just a bias.