
Do you add a comma before to say the least?

Do you add a comma before to say the least?

Strictly speaking, you do need a comma here. Consider the implied meaning if you omit the comma. The sentence would then tell the reader that “saying the least” was what made you feel nervous. Even so, it’s hard to imagine that any reader would genuinely misconstrue your sentence if you were to omit the comma.

Do you put a comma before and at the end of a list?

You usually put a comma before and when it’s connecting two independent clauses. It’s almost always optional to put a comma before and in a list.

How do you use the phrase to say the least?

Definition of to say the least —used to emphasize a statement She was not happy, to say the least.

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How do you put the least in a sentence?

To-say-the-least sentence example

  1. This sparked furious protests, with both camps becoming extremely agitated to say the least .
  2. It was going to be an interesting visit, to say the least .
  3. The vacation was hectic to say the least .
  4. It is a total bummer to say the least .

When listing 3 things where do the commas go?

Commas should be used when three or more items in a series are listed. A comma should be placed between each of the three items (it is also acceptable to leave out the comma between the second-to-last item and the last item in the series). Items in the series may consist of a word, clause, or phrase.

What does it mean to say at least?

phrase. You use at least to say that a number or amount is the smallest that is possible or likely and that the actual number or amount may be greater. The forms at the least and at the very least are also used.

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Why do people say to say the least?

What is the saying to say the least?

Is the Oxford Comma grammatically correct?

An Oxford, or serial, comma is the last comma in a list; it goes before the word “and.” Technically, it’s grammatically optional in American English. However, depending on the list you are writing out, omitting it can lead to some confusion.

How do you use at least in a sentence?

  1. At least they died happy.
  2. At least ten people were killed in the crash.
  3. Thus much at least is clear.
  4. She earns at least 600 quid a week.
  5. At least eighteen bullets were fired.
  6. At least he didn’t suffer overmuch before he died.
  7. Marinate the chicken for at least 4 hours.

Does especially need a comma?

The “rule” about especially only applies to the case when especially is being used as a parenthetical phrase, usually at the end of a sentence. Since your sentence is not using especially to begin a parenthetical statement, it does not require a comma.

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Is there a comma after the word thus in a sentence?

The “and” and the comma are correct. However, adding a comma after “thus” is not correct because it is an adverb; the comma after it is not necessary. The sentence is fine this way: “Accepted theories can provide satisfactory results, and thus experiments can be avoided.”.

Do we put commas before and?

Whether or not you put a comma before and depends on how you’re using and. There’s no single rule that applies to all situations. You usually put a comma before and when it’s connecting two independent clauses. It’s almost always optional to put a comma before and in a list.

How do you use commas in a complex sentence?

Use a comma when the dependent clause comes first. When forming a complex compound sentence, if the dependent clause is before the compound sentence, you can use a comma. Otherwise, if the dependent clause comes after a comma isn’t needed.