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Do you have a great day also or as well?

Do you have a great day also or as well?

Have a nice day too vs Have a nice day as well. While both phrases are correct, “Have a nice day too” sounds more casual.

Is it grammatically correct to say you as well?

You cannot say “as well” without a verb, so “Me/we as well” is incorrect. “We’re going to the party tonight.” “Us too.” = “We are as well.” Finally, as well as means also but cannot be used in the same place in a sentence as too: She is good at softball as well as basketball.

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What is the correct response to have a good day?

As has been said, the common reply to “Have a nice [or good] day!” or “Have a nice [or good] weekend!” is “You, too!”

Is it you too or you as well?

The only difference is in their placement in the sentence. Too and as well are used at the end of a sentence. (As well is more formal than too). Also usually goes before the verb or adjective.

Can you use also and as well in the same sentence?

Yes, your sentences are correct and it is possible to use two adverbs in a sentence. Remember that when you use words like too, also, and as well, you’ll need to justify their use, which means having a prior idea to expand upon.

How do you respond to as well?

Replies I’ve thought of:

  1. I am very well, thanks. How are you?
  2. I am very well, thanks, and hope you are as well.
  3. I am very well, thanks. I hope it is the same with you too.
  4. (Ignore it completely.)
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How do you say as well?


  1. along with.
  2. also.
  3. as a consequence.
  4. as well as.
  5. furthermore.
  6. including.
  7. moreover.
  8. together with.

Can you say likewise when someone says have a good day?

Imagine when it comes to say goodbye, someone says: -Have a good day. -Likewise.

What does have a good day mean?

Definition of have a good day —used to say one hopes the person spoken to will have an enjoyable day.

What does as well as?

As well (as) meaning ‘in addition’ As well as is a multi-word preposition which means ‘in addition to’: She has invited Jill as well as Kate.

How do you reply to “you have a great day as well”?

The best way to reply without saying “You have a great day as well”, would be “You too!” or “Same to you”. This will convey the sentiments you are looking for.

What is the proper response to ‘have a nice day’?

“Thank You. You as well.” Smiling while you say it is optional but a nice touch. Canada can teach the world so much. Originally Answered: What is the proper response to “have a nice day”? “ I . . have . . OTHER . . plans. “ Then smile wickedly and walk away. 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank.

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Is it correct to say “have a good day” or “Good Morning”?

People used to say “Good morning!’, but I think “Have a good /nice day!” has replaced that in the U.S….. they mean pretty much the same! Originally Answered: What is the correct response to “Have a good day”?

How do you say have a good day in a sentence?

Okay, you have a good day, too. Well, darling, have a good day. Have a good day at work, honey. I needed a problem to have a good day. Have a good day, Kimmy.