
Do you have to raise your kids Catholic if you get married in a Catholic church?

Do you have to raise your kids Catholic if you get married in a Catholic church?

Answer: Yes. The Church allows it provided the non-Catholic party will not object to the desire of the Catholic party to raise the children in the Catholic faith.

What does Catholic Church say about mixed marriage?

The Catholic Church requires a dispensation for mixed marriages. The Catholic party’s ordinary (typically a bishop) has the authority to grant them. The baptized non-Catholic partner does not have to convert.

Can my child be Catholic if I am not?

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One of the few requirements to have a child baptized in the Catholic Church is the expectation that they will be raised in the Catholic faith. If neither parent is Catholic and the child isn’t being raised in part by Catholic relatives, it is inadvisable for the priest to allow the baptism.

Do I have to raise my children Catholic?

True, the Catholic Church once required the non-Catholic partner to agree to raise the children in the Catholic tradition, however this policy was radically changed in the 1960′s.

Can I baptize my child if not married in Catholic Church?

Can children of unmarried parents be baptized? Yes, all children whose parents desire to raise them in the faith can be baptized.

Can a Catholic priest baptize a non-Catholic?

The baptism does not need to be performed by a priest; any baptized Christian (even a non-Catholic) can perform a valid baptism. In other words, if he intends what the Church intends—to baptize the person into the fullness of the Catholic Church—the baptism is valid.

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Can you get tattoos as a Catholic?

Leviticus 19:28 says, “Do not lacerate your bodies for the dead, and do not tattoo yourselves. I am the LORD.” While this sounds like a fairly clear condemnation of tattoos, we have to keep in mind the context of the Old Testament law. Paul makes it perfectly clear that the ceremonial law is no longer binding.

Do Catholics have to raise their children as Catholics?

Well, canon 1366 actually asserts that a penalty is to be imposed on those Catholic parents who hand over their children to be baptized or brought up in a non-Catholic faith! Thus it is oversimplistic and very misleading for anyone to suggest that a Catholic does not “have to” raise his children as Catholics.

Can a person who was not raised in the church be Catholic?

A person who was not raised in our Church has a conscience that has been formed in such a way that he may truly not believe that it is best for his children to be raised as Catholics. It goes without saying that we Catholics have a different view of the situation!

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Can a Catholic marry an unbaptized person?

Catholics needs a dispensation to marry an unbaptized person (can. 1086 §1). In order to receive that dispensation, the following conditions (can. 1125) must be met: the Catholic party must commit to remaining Catholic the Catholic party must commit to raising the children Catholic

What is a “cradle Catholic”?

I was a “cradle” Catholic — someone who had partaken in baptism, reconciliation, first Holy Communion and confirmation. Not only were these rituals comforting, they were a part of who I was.