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Do you have to shave your head for Army boot camp?

Do you have to shave your head for Army boot camp?

Hair: Do not shave your head before leaving for basic training. This applies to both males and females. Do not even arrive at basic with a military style cut (Flat Top, High-and-tight, etc.). All facial hair should be shaved thoroughly before arriving at basic training.

Why is shaving so important in the army?

The army is based on uniformity and cleanliness. When you don’t shave you begin to expire that idea. Shaving in early armies as a preventative measure. They shaved the hair to prevent the spread and outbreak of lice.

Why do you get a buzz cut in the military?

The Army’s official reason was “field sanitation” — meaning it wanted to control the spread of hair and body lice. It had the double effect of standardizing new US troops, creating a singular look to remind the men that they were in the Army now — and that the Army had standards.

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Can you grow your hair out after basic training?

You can let your hair grow back after basic training, as long as you continue to wear it in such a way that you meet the standards while in uniform.

Do you have to clean shave in the army?

The US military, as well as many police forces across America, require recruits to be clean shaven. “Moustaches are allowed, but hair may not extend beyond the edges of the lips, nor may it extend below the top of the upper lip,” says a US Army spokesman.

How do you deal with a drill sergeant?

How to Deal with Drill Sergeants

  1. The top 5 ways to deal with drill sergeants:
  2. 5) Don’t try to be a leader or a follower. Drill sergeants are always looking for recruits who try to act like leaders.
  3. 4) Stay under the radar.
  4. 3) Forget your manners.
  5. 2) Respond with confidence1) Remember the mental game.
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Can you have a Moustache in the army?

Army Beard and Mustache Regulations What do you need to know about Army mustache regulation? Facial hair in the U.S. Army is not allowed, aside from mustaches. Army mustache regulation is tightly enforced as soldiers are expected to otherwise keep their face clean-shaved when in uniform.

Can a soldier shave his head in the military?

It is actually a violation of the UCMJ for a soldier to shave his head, as this will lead to sunburn. Also in the winter 70\% of a body’s heat loss is through the top of the head. Now we come to high and tight. Not shaved but very little hair on the top of the head. Airborne and Rangers mostly use this cut to set them apart.

Why do soldiers in the military have short hair?

There is a “uniform” aspect to the policy, in that it helps to reduce “individuality” in the ranks, and it helps differentiate soldiers from civilians. It makes sense for soldiers to have short hair, for hygiene and comfort reasons, once you take out the social aspect of having an attractive hair style.

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Why do some people shave their heads?

one of the main reason i have heard of is that shaving’s a person head is to break the person’s ego and rebuild it. Some people has a very high ego and some has lower ones. so to build them up all together they will have to break their ego. For hygiene purposes also. Easy to manage.

Does it hurt to cut off your hair in the military?

It doesn’t hurt to cut away your hair, it hurts when the war comes and cut away all your family ties. Cherish while you still have it, DON”T REGRET. It is actually a violation of the UCMJ for a soldier to shave his head, as this will lead to sunburn.