
Do you like dining at expensive restaurants Why?

Do you like dining at expensive restaurants Why?

Answer: well usually the restaurant where I use to eat is not much cheap so we can say that it is expensive. actually, I prefer some expensive ones because it is a stereotype that those who takes more gives more. well this is not always true but the mindset of people so as mine.

Are expensive restaurants healthy?

There is a general consensus that most fast food items are unhealthy, but according to a new study, the food at higher-end restaurants may actually be worse for you. Regardless of whether someone dined at a restaurant or a fast food outlet, the study found that they were both unhealthier options than dining at home.

How much money can I save not eating out?

Even if you only skip one restaurant meal a week in favor of cooking or leftovers, that’s about a $500 annual savings. Another bonus: home-prepared food tends to be healthier than the typical restaurant meal.

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Does eating out cost more than cooking?

There’s almost no way around it—eating out will almost always cost more than cooking a meal at home. While the average cost of eating out varies dramatically depending on the restaurant you go to, most restaurants charge about a 300\% mark-up on the items they serve.

How much more expensive is it to eat out?

The average commercially-prepared meal costs around $13. Even if you rarely spend this much money at one time when you eat out, consider frequency. Two meals for $6.50 will add up to the same price. By contrast, the average meal prepared at home costs around $4 for groceries – a $9 savings per person per meal.

Why are high end restaurants expensive?

A fine dining restaurant also has quite a few more staff members than a regular restaurant: sous chefs, dishwashers, additional waiters, sommeliers, etc. Interior: high-quality menus, linen service, decor, a more expensive buildout designed by an interior designer or an architect.

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Is fine dining a waste of money?

However, the high frequency of fine dining makes it significantly “less” appreciated than the first scenario described. Whether it is a waste, depends on if you can afford it. If you spend your rent money on a meal, it is a waste.

What are some things that are a waste of money?

Anything that isn’t an absolute necessity can be considered a waste of money. Enjoy your life of water and gruel. Seriously though, everyone has their own thing. Whatever hobbies you may have might be considered a total waste of money by others. A friend of mine is really into sneakers.

How much does the chocolate fondue cost per person?

The chocolate fondue is always served on the deck of the ship, and Dante, the owner, sits at the table and tells tall tales while the staff lays it out. It’s a fixed price, not a price per person. There were twelve of us, and I think it ended up being $20-$25 each?