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Do you need to suffer to be happy?

Do you need to suffer to be happy?

Suffering is optional.” Happiness isn’t the absence of pain. Instead, the secret to living a happier life involves believing you have enough mental strength to embrace your pain and learn from it.

What does suffering have to do with happiness?

(1) Life is always a mixture of happiness and suffering. No one is immune from pain and we all live under the shadow of suffering and death, There is a Chinese saying: “the extreme form of happiness produces sorrow.” Just as happiness may lead to suffering, so does suffering lead to happiness.

Why is it not good to be happy all the time?

It’s about being authentically who we are, including pleasure and pain, happiness and sadness, love and conflict. If we felt happy all the time, we might end up missing opportunities to improve ourselves, fight for what we believe in, or engage in some of the most meaningful endeavors of our lives.

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Can there be happiness without sadness?

The greater degree of sadness, the greater degree of happiness. Without sadness, happiness has no meaning. Ironically, the fear of emotional sadness often restricts a person’s ability to experience the high heights of happiness. Many people live their entire lives in the middle zone.

Why do we need suffering to be happy?

Because we can grow and be happy without suffering. There are beautiful, happy people who have suffered little. They have sensible attitudes and make the most of their circumstances. And, there are people who have suffered and become twisted and bitter.

Do people really want to be happy?

Yet the whole premise that people want to be happy seems shaky. Going back as far as Aristotle it has been a basic tenet that human beings want to be happy, and the utilitarian school of philosophy from the 18th century went so far as to claim that each person tries to maximize his own happiness.

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Why is it so hard to face and accept suffering?

But facing suffering in our conscious mind can be even harder. That’s because we want to either get rid of the suffering or make sense of it and sometimes neither of these options is possible. That’s where facing and accepting suffering becomes the only option. What is suffering?

Is it dangerous to be too happy?

People often repeat that it’s dangerous to be too happy, on the premise that the higher you rise, the harder you fall. Society still needs therapists to deal with the mental obstacles and suffering that seem endemic in modern life.