Tips and tricks

Do you want comfort of solutions?

Do you want comfort of solutions?

This one sentence, writer Alexander James says, has saved him and his wife from arguing nine out of 10 times. “My wife and I got into the habit of asking each other, ‘Do you want comfort or solutions’ when the other was having a bad time,” James shared in a now-viral tweet recently.

How do you comfort someone who is hurting?

How Do We Comfort Someone?

  1. 1. “ Witness their feelings”
  2. Affirm that their feelings make sense.
  3. Draw out their feelings inorder to better understand what they feel.
  4. Don’t minimize their pain or focus only on cheering them up.
  5. Offer physical affection if appropriate.
  6. Affirm your support and commitment.

What is comfort in a relationship?

The meaning of being too comfortable in a relationship can differ from person to person, however, the essence is in having the freedom from your inhibitions and feeling at ease with your partner without the desire to make a change. It is about enjoying how things are, and wanting to stay in your comfort zone.

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Why is comfort important in a relationship?

When you are comfortable with someone, it means you are relaxed enough around them to be who you are. Excitement is important too, but it should be balanced with the feeling of stability. “Comfort isn’t just about feeling like you’re lying on clouds,” Neo said.

What do you say to a friend who is sad?

To comfort an unhappy friend, it might be better to tell him or her that you would be sad, too, if you were going through what they are. “Tell them ‘I’m here for you’, and reassure them that ‘it’s okay to cry’,” Borschel says.

How do you start a conversation with someone who is sad?

Ask how they’re feeling. One way to help get the conversation going is to ask the person how they are feeling. In any situation, a person is going to feel more than one emotion, even in sad situations, so letting them open up about all their emotions can be helpful.

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How do you comfort someone who is emotionally unstable?

To gently comfort someone, ask them if they’d like to talk about their feelings and listen quietly. Let them cry if they need to and offer a hug. Acknowledge that you can’t fix the problem, but that you’ll always be there for them and will do whatever you can to help.

What is the best way to comfort someone who is grieving?

Offer a hug. If you feel comfortable doing so, offer the person a hug. It’s always better to ask first, though, because some people may not be comfortable with physical contact, especially if they have been through some kind of trauma. For example, you could say, “I’d like to give you a hug.