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Do zombies have a working heart?

Do zombies have a working heart?

Zombies can walk, think (in some cases), and attack living persons. Most zombies eat the brains of living humans. In zombies, the heart, lungs, and a small part of their brain still work. They may react to their environment, but they do not have consciousness.

Can zombies maintain homeostasis?

Zombies do indeed undergo a qualified form of metabolism, sort of maintain homeostasis, and definitely respond to stimuli.

Do zombies have lungs?

It’s widely accepted that zombies can’t speak because their limited brain function doesn’t allow for complex thoughts. Therefore a zombie can hold its breath for any numbers of hours or days, allowing it to do things like walk under water, and function without lungs or a wind pipe. …

How do zombies reproduce?

Zombies are not living organisms and therefore do not multiply through sexual reproduction, but rather through blood contact, (typically by bite.) Zombies are almost exclusively asexual, although there are exceptions.

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Do zombies need blood?

Though in a normal human brain all blood flow ceases at death, in zombies this may not be the case. Prevailing hypotheses suggest that the modern zombie is controlled by its brain, and for a brain to work it needs blood. “The brain is dead if there is no electrical activity. …

Are zombies considered living or nonliving?

It may be fun to dress up like a zombie for Halloween, but real zombies do exist. They’re just not human. They’re animals under the mind control of parasites.

What is zombie DNA?

For the time being, the PON1 gene seems to be dead in these select aquatic species, but genetic studies have found that some genes are capable of having a life after death—so-called “zombie genes.” As their name suggests, zombie genes were once pseudogenes whose original function had been lost.

What are the organs of a zombie with no metabolism?

Zombies are nothing more than rotting and decaying corpses being reanimated for evil deeds. Therefore, none of their organs function, except the brain. Thus, they have no organ function or metabolism. How did this girl break the private jet industry with just $250?

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What happens to a zombie’s brain when it dies?

Though in a normal human brain all blood flow ceases at death, in zombies this may not be the case. Prevailing hypotheses suggest that the modern zombie is controlled by its brain, and for a brain to work it needs blood.

Where do zombies get their energy from?

The only source in an internal process is, obviously, the zombie body’s unused organs, tissue, and blood, which the virus must somehow be using to “feed” the body to achieve energy. It’s possible that this process to some extent can also affect flesh and blood consumed by the zombie.

Do zombies have a good sense of smell?

[ The 9 Most Bizarre Medical Conditions] Zombies may have impaired brain function in many ways, but they do have a razor-sharp sense of smell — at least when it comes to sniffing out living human flesh.